dbuezas / icsee-ptz

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Usage in frigate #1

Closed dipiex closed 1 year ago

dipiex commented 1 year ago

Could you assist me? I'm having trouble understanding how to use go2rtc with dvrip to retrieve images from an icsee camera without relying on onvif.

I have two PCs, one for frigate and another for hass. Both are running on docker-compose. Should I install go2rtc on my docker alongside frigate?

I'm a little confused about the streaming connection as well. Will frigate be able to interpret this "dvrip://" link? "dvrip://admin:my_cam_password@"

Thank you for your time

dbuezas commented 1 year ago

Frigate comes with go2rtc preinstalled. In your frigate.yaml add

     my_cam: dvrip://admin:your_pass@192.168.x.x

Then in the frigate section you can use my_cam instead of a url

dipiex commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much, it works perfectly!

By the way, do you know how to obtain the sub stream?

dbuezas commented 1 year ago

Glad to hear! 🎉

For rhe lower res stream Add &subtype=1 to the dvrip url. Here are the relevant go2rtc docs: https://github.com/AlexxIT/go2rtc#source-dvrip

dbuezas commented 1 year ago

Finding these should become easier once this PR is merged https://github.com/AlexxIT/go2rtc/pull/462

dipiex commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, the substream didn't work on the provided URL with the ending "?channel=0&subtype=1". It still shows the main stream.

dbuezas commented 1 year ago

You can also try channel=1, but i think it should be subtype