dbuezas / icsee-ptz

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White Light control #31

Closed felpsnew closed 6 months ago

felpsnew commented 6 months ago

Is it possible to control the white light on this camera?

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-01-05 à(s) 12 01 24_10e175a2 Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-01-04 à(s) 10 27 28_35ae8a89

The select.*_white_light entity is not being made available.



Would it be possible to turn on the camera's white light?

dbuezas commented 6 months ago

Try the latest release. It was a pre release and I just marked it as latest release. It includes a contribution related to that

felpsnew commented 6 months ago

Now the entity appears, but I can't manually control the white light, is it possible to control the white light?


dbuezas commented 6 months ago

Different cameras work differently, try changing the values of both "white light" and "day night color"

felpsnew commented 6 months ago

I used them all as combinations, I can only force night vision. Do you think it would be possible by editing the code to find a way to force the white light to turn on?

dbuezas commented 6 months ago

If it can be done with the icsee app then most likely. Try this: https://github.com/OpenIPC/python-dvr?tab=readme-ov-file#investigate-more-settings