dbuezas / icsee-ptz

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Multiple presets? #4

Closed S2000Stefan closed 11 months ago

S2000Stefan commented 11 months ago

After initial difficulties for a beginner in HA like me, I finally got it running. Puhh Wanted to ask if it is possible to set up multiple presets? One preset is good two would be better. ;) Greetings Stefan

dbuezas commented 11 months ago

Sure, just pass "preset: 2" as data to the service call. The options (configure button) in the integration page are only defaults, but all can be overwritten as part of each service call

dbuezas commented 11 months ago

I assume you are using the webrtc card, so this should add two buttons at the top left. Double check the icon names, but it should give the idea

    - name: Set preset 2
      icon: mdi:save
      service: icsee_ptz.move
        entity_id: binary_sensor.garten_motion_alarm
        cmd: SetPreset
        preset: 2
    - name: Goto preset 2
      icon: mdi:home
      service: icsee_ptz.move
        entity_id: binary_sensor.garten_motion_alarm
        cmd: GotoPreset
        preset: 2
S2000Stefan commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your very quick help. Got it working and noticed your little g/G error too. ;)

Another thing, maybe you can give me a tip there? Yes I have everything integrated in the webrtc card, everything works fine and dandy. Now the probelm I still have: The video image is not displayed on the PC or on the taplet but only on my phone. Do you have any idea why this is so or where I can still look for?

dbuezas commented 11 months ago

Most likely a codec issue, you have a couple of options

dbuezas commented 11 months ago

If nothing works, you can try reading go2rtc docs and issues. Also, in go2rtc's ui, click the info link while you're viewing the video with your computer. You'll see there the list of codecs available on both the producer (camera) and consumer (pc)

S2000Stefan commented 11 months ago

Thank you again for your very detailed explanation and amount of tips. I will work through it step by step. Thanks again.

dbuezas commented 11 months ago

Wish you luck! The best option is the first one, and while you're at it, try the tweaks at the bottom of this repo's readme, the cameras end up feeling much better imo