dburles / meteor-google-maps

🗺 Meteor package for the Google Maps Javascript API v3
MIT License
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Google Places "Uncaught TypeError: this.j.getElementsByTagName is not a function" #123

Closed NicholasEli closed 8 years ago

NicholasEli commented 8 years ago

Hello @dburles I am using this with mdg:geolocation and everything seems to be working great. However when I try to use the Google Places library I get the following error "Uncaught TypeError: this.j.getElementsByTagName is not a function".

I can get Places to work outside of Meteor but it seems to stop working inside the "GoogleMaps.ready" instance. It stops specifically at "new google.maps.places.PlacesService" instance. I found the same issue on Stack Overflow but there was no accepted solution.

Any ideas on how to get the library to work within your package?

dburles commented 8 years ago

Hey @NicholasEli do you have a reproduction I can check out?

NicholasEli commented 8 years ago

Hello @dburles , here is what I have written.

Meteor.startup(function() {  
    v : '3',
    key: 'mYKeyinHereBLAHABLAHBLAH',
    libraries: 'places'

    //get current lat & lng and create map 
    geolocationError: function() {
        let error = Geolocation.error();
        return error && error.message;
    mapOptions: function() {
        let latLng = Geolocation.latLng();
        // Initialize the map once we have the latLng.
        if (GoogleMaps.loaded() && latLng) {
            return {
                center: new google.maps.LatLng(latLng.lat, latLng.lng),
                zoom: 15

Template.map.onRendered(function() { 
    let self = this; 

    GoogleMaps.ready('map', function(map) {
        let latLng = Geolocation.latLng();

        let marker;
        self.autorun(function() {
            //set user location
            let marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng(latLng.lat, latLng.lng),
                map: map.instance

            //google places
            let Places = function(locationType){
                this.locationType = locationType;

                let place = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map);
                    location: latLng,
                    radius: 16100, //10 mile radius
                    keyword: [locationType]
                }, getPlace);

                function getPlace(results, status) {
                    if (status === google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
                        for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {

                function createPlaceMarkers(place) {
                    let placeLocation   = place.geometry.location,
                        placeMaker  = new google.maps.Marker({
                            map: map,
                            position: place.geometry.location,
                        zIndex: 9997

            let bars = new Places('Bar'),
                    club = new Places('Night Club');

dburles commented 8 years ago

Sorry I mean like a simple Meteor app I can run

dburles commented 8 years ago

If you're able to reproduce the bug in as simplistic manner as possible e.g. in an isolated Meteor app, that would make it much easier for me to check out

NicholasEli commented 8 years ago

Hello @dburles here is a repo https://github.com/NicholasEli/meteor-google-places with a simple form of the app. You'll just need to create a new Meteor project and add the two dependencies geolocation and gmaps.

dburles commented 8 years ago

Hey @NicholasEli sorry but there's too much code there that's not directly related to causing this specific error, try and reproduce the bug with as little code as possible.

NicholasEli commented 8 years ago

Ok @dburles I reduced it down as far as it can go to the Places() function. Please try the same repo and let me know if that works.

dburles commented 8 years ago

Thanks @NicholasEli your problem is that you're passing in the map object to new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map); when you should pass in map.instance. That solves your issue. See here https://github.com/dburles/meteor-google-maps#ready

NicholasEli commented 8 years ago

Thank you sir!, I owe you a coffee.

dburles commented 8 years ago

No prob!