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Unnecessary lifetime in `SignalStream<'a>` prevents moving into spawned tasks. #325

Closed zeenix closed 1 year ago

zeenix commented 1 year ago

In GitLab by @de-vri-es on Feb 13, 2023, 11:26

The SignalStream<'a> has a lifetime that isn't actually used:

pub struct SignalStream<'a> {
    stream: Join<MessageStream, Option<MessageStream>>,
    src_unique_name: Option<UniqueName<'static>>,
    phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,

I imagine this was added to prevent the stream from outliving the proxy object. However, a Stream already has an interface for dealing with that situation: it can return Ready(None) from poll_next() when it will no longer produce any value.

The lifetime now prevents moving the stream into a spawned task. As a result, all handling of signals must now happen in the same task where the connection was made. This is quite a big restriction, and it seems artificial in the case of a SignalStream.

zeenix commented 1 year ago

@de-vri-es Yes we're aware that the lifetime isn't needed but the problem is that removing that lifetime would be a breaking change.

The lifetime now prevents moving the stream into a spawned task. As a result, all handling of signals must now happen in the same task where the connection was made. This is quite a big restriction

That would indeed be a big restriction if that was true. Firstly a connection is cheaply clonable and implements Send so you can create proxies from the same underlying connection in multiple tasks/threads.

Secondly, the lifetime of SignalStream is not bound to the Proxy itself but the inner lifetime of Proxy. i-e SignalStream can outlive the Proxy it was created from. The bound is on the strings (path, interface and destination). If you use strings with 'static lifetime, then your SignalStream also gets a 'static lifetime. Note that SignalStream implements Send + Sync + Unpin.

zeenix commented 1 year ago

In GitLab by @de-vri-es on Feb 13, 2023, 13:06

That would indeed be a big restriction if that was true. Firstly a connection is cheaply clonable and implements Send so you can create proxies from the same underlying connection in multiple tasks/threads.

That's nice, but that means that if you want to handle signals in a spawned task you have to:

Instead of:

Secondly, the lifetime of SignalStream is not bound to the Proxy itself but the inner lifetime of Proxy. i-e SignalStream can outlive the Proxy it was created from. The bound is on the strings (path, interface and destination). If you use strings with 'static lifetime, then your SignalStream also gets a 'static lifetime. Note that SignalStream implements Send + Sync + Unpin.

It is using the inner lifetime of the Proxy, but that lifetime is the lifetime of the Connection object, is it not? It doesn't seem related to the lifetime of string names. The returned SignalStream has lifetime 'a, not 'm: I see this assumption was wrong, the lifetime of the Connection is not the same as 'a.

Since the lifetime is not actually used, it should be relatively easy to add a new function that returns the same object with a 'static lifetime. This is not ideal from a clean API perspective, but it does significantly simplify handling signals in a spawned task.

zeenix commented 1 year ago

In GitLab by @de-vri-es on Feb 13, 2023, 13:09

Or, somewhat odd, SignalStream could gain a member function to consume self and return a new SignalStream<'static>.

This has the advantage that it only requires one new member function on SignalStream rather than duplicating all functions that return a SignalStream.

zeenix commented 1 year ago

In GitLab by @de-vri-es on Feb 13, 2023, 13:16

I see my assumptions were incorrect. I thought that the lifetime 'a of Proxy<'a> was the same as the lifetime of &Connection. However, that is a distinct lifetime, so I think I can probably change all my Proxy lifetimes to 'static.

Thank you for your answer, and apologies for the noise!

zeenix commented 1 year ago

right. :) Np.

What we can do w/o breaking API is mark receive_signal methods return SignalStream<'static> so it's clear to people.