dbus2 / zbus

Rust D-Bus crate.
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⬆️ zm,zv,zu: Update syn to v2.0.64 #798

Closed zecakeh closed 2 months ago

zecakeh commented 2 months ago

Built on top of and replaces #404. Fixes #401.

bilelmoussaoui commented 2 months ago

By using async-std (the async-attributes crate specifically) ends up pulling syn1... maybe it is worth investigating dropping the usage of async-std as is and use the sub-crates individually

zeenix commented 2 months ago

By using async-std

It's only a dev dep so no biggie.

Sophie already tried to remove this dep and I agreed with her what needed to be done but then she dropped the ball. 🤷‍♂️

zecakeh commented 2 months ago
