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En helper "getDetailsOnRequest" till controller för att underlätta controller-utveckling #7

Open mosbth opened 3 years ago

mosbth commented 3 years ago

I dagens genomgång visade jag en hjälp-funktion som samlade information om själva anropet till kontrollern samt använda den i metoden catchAll() för att visa upp detaljer.

Här kommer den i sitt sammanhang där den används av både catchAll() och av indexAction(). Detta kan vara en bra start på en controller.

Sedan kan man plocka bort den, eller dess catchAll(), när man är klar med kodningen.


namespace Anax\Controller;

use Anax\Commons\ContainerInjectableInterface;
use Anax\Commons\ContainerInjectableTrait;

// use Anax\Route\Exception\ForbiddenException;
// use Anax\Route\Exception\NotFoundException;
// use Anax\Route\Exception\InternalErrorException;

 * A sample controller to show how a controller class can be implemented.
 * The controller will be injected with $di if implementing the interface
 * ContainerInjectableInterface, like this sample class does.
 * The controller is mounted on a particular route and can then handle all
 * requests for that mount point.
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.TooManyPublicMethods)
class MosController implements ContainerInjectableInterface
    use ContainerInjectableTrait;

     * @var string $db a sample member variable that gets initialised
    private $db = "not active";

     * This is how a general helper method can be created in the controller.
     * @param string $method as the method that handled the controller
     *                       action.
     * @param array  $args   as an array of arguments.
     * @return string as a message to output to help understand how the
     *                controller method works.
    public function getDetailsOnRequest(
        string $method,
        array $args = []
    ) : string
        $request     = $this->di->get("request");
        $router      = $this->di->get("router");
        $path        = $request->getRoute();
        $httpMethod  = $request->getMethod();
        $mount       = rtrim($router->getLastRoute(), "/");
        $numArgs     = count($args);
        $strArgs     = implode(", ", $args);
        $queryString = http_build_query($request->getGet(), '', ', ');

        return <<<EOD

            <p>The controller mountpoint is '$mount'.
            <p>The request was '$path' ($httpMethod).
            <p>Got '$numArgs' arguments: '$strArgs'.
            <p>Query string contains: '$queryString'.
            <p>\$db is '{$this->db}'.

     * The initialize method is optional and will always be called before the
     * target method/action. This is a convienient method where you could
     * setup internal properties that are commonly used by several methods.
     * @return void
    public function initialize() : void
        // Use to initialise member variables.
        $this->db = "active";

     * This is the index method action, it handles:
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint/
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint/index
     * @return string
    public function indexAction() : string
        $page = $this->di->get("page");
        $data = [
            "content" => $this->getDetailsOnRequest(__METHOD__, $args),
        $page->add("anax/v2/article/default", $data);

        return $page->render([
            "title" => __METHOD__,

     * Adding an optional catchAll() method will catch all actions sent to the
     * router. You can then reply with an actual response or return void to
     * allow for the router to move on to next handler.
     * A catchAll() handles the following, if a specific action method is not
     * created:
     * ANY METHOD mountpoint/**
     * @param array $args as a variadic parameter.
     * @return mixed
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
    public function catchAll(...$args)
        $page = $this->di->get("page");
        $data = [
            "content" => $this->getDetailsOnRequest(__METHOD__, $args),
        $page->add("anax/v2/article/default", $data);

        return $page->render([
            "title" => __METHOD__,
mosbth commented 3 years ago

Jag lade till koden ovan som ett exempelprogram d under example/samples.