dbzhang800 / QtXlsxWriter

.xlsx file reader and writer for Qt5
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Cant compile a debug version #26

Closed feugen closed 10 years ago

feugen commented 10 years ago


I use Qt 5.1 and the latest QtXlsxWriter (downloaded today) somehow I cant compile a debug version but it works as release version without problems. here what I get if I try to compile as a debug version:

....\build-euvl-Desktop_Qt_5_1_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\xlsxdocument.o:-1: In functionZN5QXlsx8DocumentC2EP7QObject': ...\xlsx\xlsxdocument.cpp:306: error:undefined reference to vtable for QXlsx::Document

Any idea how to fix this?

dbzhang800 commented 10 years ago

Hi, I cann't reproduce this problem under Windows XP/MinGW 4.8/Qt5.1/debug, so I have no clean idea how to fix it.

fverneau commented 10 years ago

Hi, try to launch qmake and compilate again all your project.

dbzhang800 commented 10 years ago

Seems very strange, I still can not reproduce it with/without Qt Creator.

For in-source build:

  1. Download the source, put in one directory
  2. in the source directory, run
make debug

For shadow build

  1. Download the source, put in one directory, such as E:/QtXlsx
  2. create a build directory, such as E:/build-QtXlsx, in the build directory, run
qmake ../QtXlsx
make debug
feugen commented 10 years ago


I used this bug to upgrade my qt and I installed qt5.2.1 and tried all again, and now it works. I am able to compile both versions, release and debug. Dont know what the reason was...but I dont care anymore, probably some strange settings. Thanks for your effort to help me.