dc-js / dc.js

Multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter rendered with d3.js
Apache License 2.0
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Shadow creating between lines in seriesChart #1821

Closed lsossai closed 3 years ago

lsossai commented 3 years ago

My series chart is creating this shadow that I couldnt find in the documentation, what could be happening?


var data = [{ appliance: "Geral Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:00", measured_value: 100 },
{ appliance: "Geral Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:15", measured_value: 90 },
{ appliance: "Geral Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:30", measured_value: 120 },
{ appliance: "Geral Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:45", measured_value: 130 },
{ appliance: "Injetado Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:00", measured_value: 90 },
{ appliance: "Injetado Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:15", measured_value: 120 },
{ appliance: "Injetado Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:30", measured_value: 110 },
{ appliance: "Injetado Light", occurred_at: "2021/03/24 17:55:45", measured_value: 140 }];

const dateFormatSpecifier = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S';
const dateFormatParser = d3.timeParse(dateFormatSpecifier);
data.forEach(function (d) {
    d.occurred_at = dateFormatParser(d.occurred_at);
    d.measured_value = +d.measured_value;
    d.appliance = d.appliance;

var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var all = ndx.groupAll();
var applianceDim = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return d["appliance"]; });
var applianceGroup = applianceDim.group();

var occurredDim = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return [d["appliance"], d["occurred_at"]]; });
var measureGroup = occurredDim.group().reduceSum(function (d) { return d.measured_value })

var seriesChart = dc.seriesChart("#lineChart");
    .margins({ top: 36, right: 36, bottom: 36, left: 36 })
    .chart(function (c) { return new dc.LineChart(c).curve(d3.curveCardinal); })
    .x(d3.scaleTime().domain(d3.extent(data, function (d) { return d.occurred_at; })))
    .yAxisLabel("Potência (W)")
    .seriesAccessor(function (d) { return d.key[0]; })
    .keyAccessor(function (d) { return +d.key[1]; })
    .valueAccessor(function (d) { return +d.value; })

function load_button(appliance) {
    return function load_it() {

var button1 = load_button("Geral Light"),
    button2 = load_button("Injetado Light");
gordonwoodhull commented 3 years ago

Please make sure that you are using dc.css or that you otherwise make sure that the fill is none on your lines.

I think this is the relevant line:


lsossai commented 3 years ago

Thanks, download this css didnt work

This post helped me, adding

to the HTML Thank you for the response!