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Plan GIT structure with authorization, node type libraries, etc. in mind #11

Open hpoul opened 11 years ago

hpoul commented 11 years ago

we want to track all content in a versioned git repository which is managed by dc2f itself. the question is how to handle multiple projects, maybe dependent libraries, etc.

example: rep/config/: One master repository which contains general configuration and a list of the /content/* repositories. rep/auth/: authorization configuration rep/content/dc2f.com/: content for dc2f.com rep/content/common.dc2f.com/: common node types (some basic node types like "blog entry", etc. which can be reused as a library rep/content/internal.dc2f.com/: content which is only viewable by authorized users.

... rep/config/ must be clone-able by all people who should be able to edit content locally (ie. clone the whole setup) rep/auth/ must only be clone-able by staging servers which are at least as secure & restricted as the production server. rep/content/dc2f.com/: cone-able by all users who can edit dc2f.com rep/content/internal.dc2f.com/: clone-able only by users who have access to the internal data.
