Closed labe-me closed 9 years ago
I got something working but I am not sure it's the most efficient and secure way of doing the integration
First build the Route:
import spray.routing._
import spray.routing.Directives._
var route : Route =
path("test") {
get {
complete { "That's it baby" }
Then run it from the SocketIOWorker.genericLogic method:
case x: HttpRequest =>"Got http req uri = {}", x.uri.path.toString.split("/").toList)
route(RequestContext(x, sender, x.uri.path))
It works but doesn't handle exceptions like in:
Is it the right approach?
I am a beginner with akka and spray and would appreciate an exemple of socketio + spray-routing integration.
Is it possible to integrate spray-socketio inside a route or does it have to be the only running server actor ?
If it has to be the main server I imagine that the HttpRequest could be redirected to an HttpService or a inside the def genericLogic: Receive = { case x:HttpRequest => ... } but I am not sure how to do it.
That's where a code sample could be really helpful for newbies like me :)
Thank for the help and for the code Laurent