dcarrith / mpdtunes

Free your music, own your cloud
9 stars 1 forks source link

MAC OX 10.9 #5

Open Gergar opened 10 years ago

Gergar commented 10 years ago

Hi Dave,

I am new in this and tried to setup the web server but it just shows me the directory of files :(, I tried to view your webpage MPDTunes.com but it is down I was looking to pay the multiuser version... but I am having trouble even with the community version ...

I Have : Server version: Apache/2.2.26 (Unix) Server built: Dec 10 2013 22:09:38

PHP 5.4.24 (cli) (built: Jan 19 2014 21:32:15) Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

PHP 5.6.0RC4 (cli) (built: Aug 19 2014 20:44:02) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.6.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies

mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.19, for osx10.9 (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper

Laravel Framework version 4.0.10

and downloaded before your website came down the available version on it... it says Version 2.0

do you have any step by step process? I followed the Install.md and all is set I saw also the DB at my mysql server I have some test PHP pages that works so seems like the environment works but not sure how to setup the MPDTunes to respond at least as localhost.

Sorry to bother you just I have no idea on where to start and I have 3 days trying...

Gergar commented 10 years ago

Music Player Daemon 0.18.12

Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Warren Dukes warren.dukes@gmail.com Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Max Kellermann max@duempel.org This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Gergar commented 10 years ago

OK I found one of the problems memcached library was not installed... now once I have the login screen I try to log in and I get the following message:

Connection refused [tcp://]

dcarrith commented 10 years ago

Hi @Gergar - Sorry you're running into some issues getting MPDTunes set up. To be honest, I've been neglecting the mpdtunes.com site. It's running on HHVM, which doesn't start automatically for some reason. If my server reboots, then the site is down until I notice. I just started it up. However, that isn't going to help you.

It has been so long since I committed anything to master, that I'm not sure what could be happening in your environment. The mpdtunes_3.0_laravel_4.2.x branch is the one I've been working on heavily for quite some time now. However, that branch raises the bar quite a bit for how complicated it is to get set up. I've completely changed the underlying player architecture to better utilize the streaming capability of MPD. That required the use of WebSockets for updating the song info via the IDLE command in MPD (which requires ZeroMQ module for PHP). Long story short, it is still under heavy development and probably isn't even worthy of being called an ALPHA release yet. That being said, every other piece of it is about as stable as it has ever been. It's just the player functionality that is so experimental.

I know that doesn't help with you're current issues. But, it might be worth a try to clone from git and checkout the mpdtunes_3.0_laravel_4.2.x branch for the latest and greatest "dev" release. Oh, and you don't have to pay anything...that branch is the "premium, multi-user" branch.

I'm on vacation now, but I might be able to help you with your set up in the next day or two.


Gergar commented 10 years ago

Dave Thanks a lot I will follow your recommendation I will do the git process and let me see how it goes, no worries no urgent so enjoy vacations I will try and try so also I can learn! I will let you know!

Thank you!!

Gergar commented 10 years ago

Dave thanks at least now I have the login screen, I installed redis to fix the connection issue, but now it just shows the login i put the user id & password and it returns to login :) at least is up now but i don't know how to make it move from there... I will continue reading your cose seems like I am missing something else still!
