dcasati / kubernetes-PlantUML

Kubernetes diagrams using VS Code
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Kubernetes symbol color is off #4

Closed paddy-hack closed 3 years ago

paddy-hack commented 4 years ago

The Kubernetes symbols/icons in the PlantUML generated images look too light.

Just compare this icon

K8S Pod

with the icons in the "hello-world" example


I've tried redefining KUBERNETES_SYMBOL_COLOR after including kubernetes_Common.puml but that doesn't fix things. When using #000000 the icons become grayish, so there is an effect, but they don't become black as I would have expected.

BTW, the upstream icons use #326CE5 not #0072C6 as defined in dist/kubernetes_Common.puml via KUBERENETES_COLOR. FWIW, the "hello-world" uses #66abdd which is different again.

I suspect the C4 stuff is throwing a monkey wrench but haven't pursued that lead (yet?).

Cerebus commented 3 years ago

It looks to me that the problem is how plantuml is importing the original image. When I run java -jar plantuml.jar -encodesprite 16 on any of the source PNGs, the blue elements are mapped to a middle grey. When plantuml applies color to sprites, it scales the color by the greyscale value, shifting the desired color.

paddy-hack commented 3 years ago

Actually, I did pursue my "C4 stuff" hunch and found out that led nowhere. Sorry for not reporting that sooner.

From failing memory :wink:, I arrived at the same conclusion as @Cerebus.

dcasati commented 3 years ago

hey @paddy-hack, I hear you! I went through the same thing myself. Hopefully this will change in the future ...