dcasia / conditional-container

Provides an easy way to conditionally show and hide fields in your Nova resources.
MIT License
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Problem on update "Unknown column 'conditional_container_xxx" #37

Closed nicolaeum closed 4 years ago

nicolaeum commented 4 years ago

Hi. I'm having some issues when I try to update any value inside a ConditionalContainer

On create its all good and custom validation works perfect, but on updates it breaks because of

Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'conditional_container_umis8ij2m2' in 'field list'

It fails on any Resource update: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'conditional_container_n78s7zhuvv' in 'field list' (SQL: update campaign_criteria set active = 1, conditional_container_n78s7zhuvv = ?, conditional_container_69av6xtx9w = ?, conditional_container_6ankofrrcr = ?, conditional_container_pefz0rbda2 = ?, conditional_container_jlugbekiw0 = ?, conditional_container_tkhlt2gubt = ?, conditional_container_jjqnarr4jk = ?, conditional_container_nn34aros7g = ?, campaign_criteria.updated_at = 2020-05-26 18:16:11 where id = 18)

And during the insert in action_events table insert into action_events (batch_id, user_id, name, actionable_type, actionable_id, target_type, target_id, model_type, model_id, fields, original, changes, status, exception, updated_at, created_at) values ('90a77423-e5dc-40c4-8945-df74098de0fc', 1, 'Update', 'App\Models\CampaignCriteria', 18, 'App\Models\CampaignCriteria', 18, 'App\Models\CampaignCriteria', 18, '', '{\"active\":1}', '{\"active\":true,\"conditional_container_3ywtvpnayw\":null,\"conditional_container_nidwiv6qkk\":null,\"conditional_container_vnulqwmmn0\":null,\"conditional_container_jdj8oty4yh\":null,\"conditional_container_txpqr8vmqe\":null,\"conditional_container_8x87gkuoo8\":null,\"conditional_container_d10f8ut25a\":null,\"conditional_container_p1csk2kjhn\":null}', 'finished', '', '2020-05-26 10:27:04', '2020-05-26 10:27:04')

Any idea?


Israel5 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm also with this very same problem, and I have no idea how to solve that.

My setup is: PHP 7.4.7 Laravel 7.19.0 Nova 3.6.0

I can create a resource normally, but when I try to update it, I get this error.

SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR:  column "conditional_container_9rsqbluhxt" of relation "cases" does not exist↵LINE 1: ...pments_type_ftl" = $1, "shipments_type_ltl" = $2, "condition...↵                                                             ^ (SQL: update "cases" set "shipments_type_ftl" = 1, "shipments_type_ltl" = 1, "conditional_container_9rsqbluhxt" = ?, "conditional_container_n6ugooqkx4" = ?, "updated_at" = 2020-07-18 08:55:50 where "id" = 2)

Any idea or workaround? I have a project to be delivered by the next few weeks and I'd appreciate a way to solve it.


abishekrsrikaanth commented 3 years ago

@milewski, I get the same error when I use this nova package https://github.com/ebess/advanced-nova-media-library. Could you advice how to resolve this?