dcasia / nova-filepond

A Nova field for uploading File, Image and Video using Filepond.
MIT License
48 stars 27 forks source link

Translate can not work #36

Closed imnpc closed 11 months ago

imnpc commented 11 months ago

Nova 4.27.14 Laravel 10.28.0

after translate in config/nova-filepond.php file ,only "idle" trans work ok.


declare(strict_types = 1);

return [

    'temp_disk' => 'local',
    'temp_path' => 'nova-filepond/temp',

     * All the values will pass through the Nova::__() function
    'labels' => [
        'decimalSeparator' => '自动',
        'thousandsSeparator' => '自动',
        'idle' => '拖动文件到这里 或者 <span class="filepond--label-action"> 选择本地文件 </span>',
        'invalidField' => '字段中包含无效文件',
        'fileWaitingForSize' => '获取文件大小中',
        'fileSizeNotAvailable' => '未获取到文件大小',
        'fileLoading' => '载入中...',
        'fileLoadError' => '加载过程中出现错误',
        'fileProcessing' => '上传中',
        'fileProcessingComplete' => '上传完成',
        'fileProcessingAborted' => '上传取消',
        'fileProcessingError' => '上传过程中出现错误',
        'fileProcessingRevertError' => '恢复过程中出现错误',
        'fileRemoveError' => '删除时出现错误',
        'tapToCancel' => '点击取消',
        'tapToRetry' => '点击重试',
        'tapToUndo' => '点击撤销',
        'buttonRemoveItem' => '移除',
        'buttonAbortItemLoad' => '中止',
        'buttonRetryItemLoad' => '重试',
        'buttonAbortItemProcessing' => '取消',
        'buttonUndoItemProcessing' => '撤消',
        'buttonRetryItemProcessing' => '重试',
        'buttonProcessItem' => '上传',