dcasia / nova-filepond

A Nova field for uploading File, Image and Video using Filepond.
MIT License
48 stars 27 forks source link

Error during load #46

Open AppDevXXX opened 8 months ago

AppDevXXX commented 8 months ago

Awesome package.

Just one error when i try to keep my filename and store to my media disk.

Filepond::make('Movie', 'movie') ->store(function (Request $request, $model) { $filename = $request->movie->getClientOriginalName(); $request->movie->storeAs('movie', $filename, 'media'); return [ 'movie' => 'movie/' . $filename, ]; }) ->columns(4) ->disableCredits() ->limit(20) ->multiple() ->prunable(),

milewski commented 8 months ago

And what is the error?

you can follow this example:

use DigitalCreative\Filepond\Filepond;

class Post extends Resource
    public function fields(NovaRequest $request): array
        return [
            Filepond::make('Images', 'images')

            // or you can manually decide how to store the data
            // Note: the store method will be called for each file uploaded and the output will be stored into a single json column
            Filepond::make('Images', 'images')
                ->store(function (NovaRequest $request, Model $model, string $attribute): array {
                    return [
                        $attribute => $request->images->store('/', 's3'),
                        'name' => $request->images->getClientOriginalName(),
                        'size' => $request->images->getSize(),
                        'metadata' => '...'
AppDevXXX commented 7 months ago

Storing metadata in your documentation works perfectly. The problem is when you wish to keep the original file name in your upload folder. When I use the storeAs method in the Nova documentation, I have this error:


I use this method when I wish to keep the original name of my uploaded files and when I wish to create a custom path :

Image::make('Image', 'image') ->disk('public') ->path('media/image') ->storeAs(function (Request $request) { return $request->image->getClientOriginalName(); }) ->nullable() ->prunable() ->sortable(),

With this method available in the Nova documentation, I use the public disk and create a custom path media/image and the upload of my file will keep the original name, for example angel.jpg.

Now when I use Filepond, the original file name is perfectly preserved in my upload folder and the custom path is created too:

Filepond::make('Image', 'image') ->disk('public') ->path('media/image') ->storeAs(function (Request $request) { return $request->image->getClientOriginalName(); }) ->prunable() ->multiple(),

But the error appears in view mode and edit mode and it is impossible to preview the uploaded file:


If I check the image column in my database: ["media\/image\/angel.jpg"]

When I edit the syntax in the path, it doesn't change anything: ["media/image/angel.jpg"]

The error message doesn't display the original name of the image angel.jpg but it displays: eyJpdiI6IjNUYXpvbnF5VkJ0QmE0dlltbkNNTHc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiMWE2WDV6Um9SZnhQczZDN1JhZkg3a3lJZzhxa1d2MXlMZExVc3Yrdk9zTnJHOEttcnl5Tnp2OXdSNCttUkpQY2NyallrY2xhaHJUL1lXdTdpVXQ2N0s3cGZ0ZXJOZGIxcEhGQ2JrQkVaU3k0ZnE2dzBLckcxRHVyeGZGVzlMd2FkNk5DdDgwZDFlT3UzSkh0ZVkrRHVFWTBEV21ZK3RFZHNtbFhsTlVORGxlNU1VZk00ZVBuVEpEZklQMXZQVWFMUUExbEdzcGNEbUR3ckhyVXRNekR0QT09IiwibWFjIjoiYzM3YjRkOGViNDRkYWU3MjYxNTQ3NzMzMjk1MGZhYTk5NjdkNjdmNDkxOTkxYzZlYWQ2N2E0NzJlZDllYjZiYyIsInRhZyI6IiJ9

The error appears during load.

aem-coding commented 7 months ago

Having the same problem, it seems the last commit f27930e is causing this issue and removing the change done fix the issue. I experienced this when the pictures were set to show a preview. @milewski The issue is that once a path is set and contains "/" the issue occurs. To fix it you should do urlencode($data->filename). I submitted a pull request for it