dcat / st-xresources

simple terminal with Xresource support
MIT License
44 stars 5 forks source link

Make error after patch #4

Open wangms168 opened 5 years ago

wangms168 commented 5 years ago

Error after using st-xresources-20190105-3be4cf1.diff patch st 0.8.2(2019-02-09) image

dsal3389 commented 4 years ago

I have downloaded this couple of hours ago and I got the same problem if you look in the diff file it wont make direct changes to the config.h it will create a file named config.def.h with the changes, if you don't have anything impotent on your config.h file delete it and rename config.def.h to config.h

if you dont want to delete your config.h add the following lines to it

 * Xresources preferences to load at startup
ResourcePref resources[] = {
        { "font",         STRING,  &font },
        { "color0",       STRING,  &colorname[0] },
        { "color1",       STRING,  &colorname[1] },
        { "color2",       STRING,  &colorname[2] },
        { "color3",       STRING,  &colorname[3] },
        { "color4",       STRING,  &colorname[4] },
        { "color5",       STRING,  &colorname[5] },
        { "color6",       STRING,  &colorname[6] },
        { "color7",       STRING,  &colorname[7] },
        { "color8",       STRING,  &colorname[8] },
        { "color9",       STRING,  &colorname[9] },
        { "color10",      STRING,  &colorname[10] },
        { "color11",      STRING,  &colorname[11] },
        { "color12",      STRING,  &colorname[12] },
        { "color13",      STRING,  &colorname[13] },
        { "color14",      STRING,  &colorname[14] },
        { "color15",      STRING,  &colorname[15] },
        { "background",   STRING,  &colorname[256] },
        { "foreground",   STRING,  &colorname[257] },
        { "cursorColor",  STRING,  &colorname[258] },
        { "termname",     STRING,  &termname },
        { "shell",        STRING,  &shell },
        { "xfps",         INTEGER, &xfps },
        { "actionfps",    INTEGER, &actionfps },
        { "blinktimeout", INTEGER, &blinktimeout },
        { "bellvolume",   INTEGER, &bellvolume },
        { "tabspaces",    INTEGER, &tabspaces },
        { "borderpx",     INTEGER, &borderpx },
        { "cwscale",      FLOAT,   &cwscale },
        { "chscale",      FLOAT,   &chscale },