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False-positive update in attribute name #11

Closed TomDeweerdt closed 12 years ago

TomDeweerdt commented 12 years ago

Line (883428) produces a XRef between LCBIM and the table CSECS that is being updated. This is wrong. You can maybe change this behauvour by checking

  1. if the tablename is a word
  2. if the tablename is preceded with a dot.


JLiebaert commented 12 years ago

Can you explain '1. if the tablename is a word' in more detail? I don't get what you want to say.

TomDeweerdt commented 12 years ago

With If the tablename is a word I mean this in a reg.exp. technical sense. It should not be part of a word but a word as such.

So, in SCECS.OPQ the tablename is a word. In SCECSTLP the tablename is part of a word.

For line 883428, we detect 8 words. The 7th (counting from 1) word is CSECSAS. This is not a tablename.

JLiebaert commented 12 years ago

Changed files (within crossreferences) pushed + xref updated