dcavins / bp-docs-taxonomies

Apply existing taxonomies to your BuddyPress Docs library.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Taxonomies appers disabled #3

Closed canosys closed 4 years ago

canosys commented 4 years ago

Hi! I activate the plugin and everything looks great! I have a "tag" taxonomie created with ACF and asociated whit docs. But the taxonomies terms appears disabled in frontend. If I enable it, using browser code editor, everything works well, the terms are registered.

screenshot-canosys com-2019 11 21-13_28_44

What can I do?

dcavins commented 4 years ago

Hi @canosys-

In the WordPress function that I'm using to output the terms list, wp_terms_checklist(), https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_terms_checklist/ there is a line that checks whether the current user can assign terms in the taxonomy: $args['disabled'] = ! current_user_can( $tax->cap->assign_terms ); which, if true, results in the taxonomy checkboxes being disabled.

So, however you're creating the taxonomy (I couldn't figure out how to create taxonomies via the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, but I used the CPTUI plugin successfully), you need to make sure that users who can edit docs (pretty much any logged-in user) can assign the terms in your new taxonomy. Here's a working example of a taxonomy that works for my non-admin, logged-in users:

function cptui_register_my_taxes_color() {

     * Taxonomy: Colors.

    $labels = [
        "name" => __( "Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "singular_name" => __( "Color", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "menu_name" => __( "Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "all_items" => __( "All Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "edit_item" => __( "Edit Color", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "view_item" => __( "View Color", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "update_item" => __( "Update Color name", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "add_new_item" => __( "Add new Color", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "new_item_name" => __( "New Color name", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "parent_item" => __( "Parent Color", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "parent_item_colon" => __( "Parent Color:", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "search_items" => __( "Search Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "popular_items" => __( "Popular Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "separate_items_with_commas" => __( "Separate Colors with commas", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "add_or_remove_items" => __( "Add or remove Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "choose_from_most_used" => __( "Choose from the most used Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "not_found" => __( "No Colors found", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "no_terms" => __( "No Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "items_list_navigation" => __( "Colors list navigation", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "items_list" => __( "Colors list", "twentyseventeen" ),

    $args = [
        "label" => __( "Colors", "twentyseventeen" ),
        "labels" => $labels,
        "public" => true,
        "publicly_queryable" => true,
        "hierarchical" => false,
        "show_ui" => true,
        "show_in_menu" => true,
        "show_in_nav_menus" => true,
        "query_var" => true,
        "rewrite" => [ 'slug' => 'color', 'with_front' => true, ],
        "show_admin_column" => false,
        "show_in_rest" => true,
        "rest_base" => "color",
        "rest_controller_class" => "WP_REST_Terms_Controller",
        "show_in_quick_edit" => false,
    register_taxonomy( "color", [ "post" ], $args );
add_action( 'init', 'cptui_register_my_taxes_color' );

I'm guessing that the "public" => true property is important. Let me know how you solve your issue.

