dccabs / pair

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Input/Output discussion #3

Closed absoluke closed 7 years ago

absoluke commented 7 years ago

I think, in its simplest form, user should be able to paste or type in one or more of the three following field numbers:

PROPOSED INPUT, one of 3 possible record numbers:

  1. Application Number;
  2. Earliest Publication Number; and/or
  3. Patent Number

Should be able to paste a list of various combinations having 1, 2 or all 3 types of these numbers, because all uniquely identify a specific case, for which current legal status may be desired. All records have an application number. All applications numbers have an earliest publication no and/or a patent number.

PROPOSED OUTPUT: 7 columns, with rowed cells, having a row for each record input

Main Data Col. 1: Regurgitates actual record number input by user (e.g. an application number; an earliest publication number or a patent number) Col. 2: Provides "Application Status" field associated with the record number input Co. 3: Provides "Status Date" field

Secondary/Confirmatory Data Col. 4: "Title of Invention" Field Col. 5 "Patent Number" field, if any, field will be blank if application or publication number input that hasn't yet or never achieved patent Co. 6 "Earliest Publication Number" - there is usually a publication number with most records, however, in some instances, applications can issues as a patent before they ever publish with a USYEAR7DIGIT pub number and won't have an earliest publication number Col. 7 "Application Number" - all assets that are available in this API will have an application number so field should never be blank

MInimum Launch Functionality and Output Layout:

  1. Display onscreen output table for copy in a parsed,csv way to paste into word or excel or rtf document of user for later use.
  2. Be able to handle the 3 or 4 most common ways these numbers can be input. sometimes people use slashes, commas, and/or extra zeros at certain places in the different record types. But the list of variations of formatting of the number are very finite and can be anticipated by a couple of simple rules and converted for optimal return without errors against the API.

Future Functionality Wishlist:

  1. Upload an excel or csv file of record numbers for running query
  2. Output display offers option to download output as excel or csv file
  3. Dedupe feature in case someone inputs two or more record numbers affiliated with same asset....i.e. only display one row for that since it is only one record, don't show 2 or 3 times...would be repetitive.....indicate during output the number of dupes found, if any, and which ones they were.

That's all I got.

dccabs commented 7 years ago

I took everything in here and split it up into smaller pieces. That way we can attack one piece at a time and iterate on our product quicker. Closing this one.