dccnconf / web24

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Создание сайта DCCN-2024 #1

Closed kozyrevdv closed 4 months ago

kozyrevdv commented 4 months ago

@timac11 Просьба создать https://2024.dccn.ru/ по образцу прошлых лет.

Изменения на главной странице:

  1. 27th

  2. 23-27 September 2024

  3. Вместо кнопок Join... и Watch... одна кнопка Register, которая ведёт на https://uconfy.com/conf/16/

  4. Venue обновить на следующий: The DCCN-2024 conference will be held in a hybrid mode (with physical and virtual participation) in the premises of the RUDN University. Address: RUDN University, Building of Engineering and Science faculties, 115419, Moscow, Ordzhonikidze str. 3 View on Map

  5. Organizers & sponsors. The DCCN-2024 conference is organized under the support of the IEEE Russia Section, Communications Society Chapter (COM19)

  6. Добавить в Previous Events ссылку на прошлогоднюю DCCN-2023 (https://2023.dccn.ru/)

  7. В разделе Organizing committee заменить Андрея Ларионова на Nika Ivanova

Изменения по структуре меню: Оставить открытыми пока только следующие разделы:

About (https://2024.dccn.ru/#about) Timeline (https://2024.dccn.ru/#timeline) Venue (https://2024.dccn.ru/#venue) Organizers & Sponsors (https://2024.dccn.ru/#committee)

Timeline: 01 May 2024 End of papers submission. Start of peer review. End of workshop proposals submission 01 Jun 2024 End of peer review. Notification of acceptance 15 Jun 2024 Deadline for camera-ready submissions (regular papers) 01 Jul 2024 Deadline for camera-ready submissions (extended papers) 01 Aug 2024 Fee payment deadline 23 Sep 2024 Conference in Moscow 27 Sep 2024 Conference closes