dccuchile / wefe

WEFE: The Word Embeddings Fairness Evaluation Framework. WEFE is a framework that standardizes the bias measurement and mitigation in Word Embeddings models. Please feel welcome to open an issue in case you have any questions or a pull request if you want to contribute to the project!
MIT License
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Error on import in Google Colab (v0.3.2) with PL #26

Closed abdu355 closed 1 year ago

abdu355 commented 2 years ago
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-ad60f770c107> in <module>()
----> 1 from wefe import Query, WEAT
      2 import gensim.downloader as api
      4 word2vec_model = model

13 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/distributed/config.py in <module>()
     19 with open(fn) as f:
---> 20     defaults = yaml.load(f)
     22 dask.config.update_defaults(defaults)

TypeError: load() missing 1 required positional argument: 'Loader'
pbadillatorrealba commented 2 years ago


I need more context to understand what your problem is. However, according to what you have posted, the error would be caused by Dask, which is not a dependency of WEFE and is therefore beyond what I could help.

Are you running WEFE on some kind of distributed environment? I just ran it on a Colab and had no problems installing and importing it.

Best regards

abdu355 commented 2 years ago

So apparently it throws this error when Pytorch Lightning is installed, to reproduce try running: !pip install pytorch_lightning --quiet and then from wefe import Query, WEAT