dcellwanger / PLISH-ProbeDesigner

Probe Designer for PLISH
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error - Database generation #1

Open ltosti opened 5 years ago

ltosti commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

I tried to use this tool but I'm getting the following error:

python2.7 createDatabase.py -gff ../ref_GRCh38.p12_top_level.gff3 -fna ../hg38.fna -db hsa -name hsa_plish
Writing info file...
Extracting exon info...
Processed 500000 lines ...
Processed 1000000 lines ...
Processed 1500000 lines ...
Processed 2000000 lines ...
Processed 2500000 lines ...
Processed 3000000 lines ...
Processed 3500000 lines ...
Calculating exon lengths ...
Writing exon file ...
Writing sequence file ...
Generating BLAST+ database ...

Building a new DB, current time: 03/15/2019 15:51:15
New DB name:   /Users/lwork/Desktop/PLISH-ProbeDesigner-master/database/hsa/hsa
New DB title:  /Users/lwork/Desktop/PLISH-ProbeDesigner-master/database/hsa/hsa.fna
Sequence type: Nucleotide
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
BLAST options error: File /Users/lwork/Desktop/PLISH-ProbeDesigner-master/database/hsa/hsa.fna is empty
Generation of database "hsa" is finished.

Any idea how to fix this? It would be great to be able to quickly design the probes!

Thank you!

yinxx commented 4 years ago

E:\py_ex\plishprobe\PLISH-ProbeDesigner/src\plishGUI.py", line 42, in _run db = self.dbids[item[0]] TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable