dceresoli / qe-gipaw

QE-GIPAW for Quantum-Espresso (official repository)
GNU General Public License v2.0
32 stars 11 forks source link

Cannot compile with qe 7.2 #20

Open PelikanAA opened 6 months ago

PelikanAA commented 6 months ago


I've got a working version of qe7.2 configured in my system, when following the instructions for standalone installation of gipaw

./configure --with-qe-source "path..." I am returned with the error "configure: error: cannot compile against this version of quantum espresso",

I am just wondering, is this a known issue? I see in the closed issues that users are able to compile with QE 7.3.1, is there a modification required to the configure file or will I need to compile an alternative QE verision?

ANy advice is greatly appreciated.

dceresoli commented 6 months ago

Hi, have you downloaded the 7.2 version of qe-gipaw? otherwise checkout the 7.2 tag: git checkout tags/7.2