dcfc-public / vision_banner

DCFC Vision Banner
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Design Vision Banner #1

Open redixx opened 9 years ago

jkingwang commented 9 years ago

Here's the existing 5 banner for your reference - the new vision banner will be placed to the LEFT of them. Given the physical material speciality and related skills, @ekuowang would you be interested and have time on this one?

dcfc banners

ekuowang commented 9 years ago

I will look at them closely tonight at church again. Is there a requirement for how big the banner should be?

jkingwang commented 9 years ago

I did not hear about how big. Should be "proportional" to existing - but given how many letter/characters to put... readability probably should be considered. I think the banner can stretch longer from left to right.

jkingwang commented 9 years ago

@ekuowang let me know when you can have a draft for just the banner's looks. Tieyi Deacon contacted me today that they like to "see" the concept first if possible.

jkingwang commented 9 years ago

vision banner concept sketch

jkingwang commented 9 years ago

Feedback from Elders 12/8: 1) should be 願景, not 遠景. 2) For the Chinese, we want to highlight 裝備門徒 and 傳揚福音. Perhaps, we can use "underline" or "bald letters". 3) Choose our choice of font (Chinese and English) and border, and create sample to view. (for sample, I don't think we need to make it true-to-size) By the way, I will reach out to Rebekah to see if she has font and banner in case we need.

ekuowang commented 9 years ago

Got it - I will make changes accordingly.

jkingwang commented 9 years ago

Thank you Eunice! Let's shoot for next Monday for some draft if possible so elder can review it again during their Wed meetings. Let me know if I can help by go ask them more questions :+1: