dchaley / deepcell-imaging

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Try HDF5 save format for faster model load #262

Closed dchaley closed 3 days ago

dchaley commented 2 weeks ago

According to the docs there's a more recent / "efficient" persistence method: .keras.

We're currently using the SavedModel format. (from DeepCell / Van Valen Lab) It takes ~8s to load. 😔

From this post, HDF5 is significantly faster to load:

Chart of load times for SavedModel vs HDF5

If keras doesn't end up being faster, consider HDF5…?

also consider TensorFlow lite? https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide (Apparently, if we use compatible operations only, it might "just work" ??)

dchaley commented 4 days ago

Results on local environment are very promising.


Loaded model in 12.3 s
Ran prediction in 1.25 s; success: True


Loaded model in 0.84 s
Ran prediction in 1.19 s; success: True

This is the time to load the model from disk, not to fetch it from storage.

Once the PR is merged we can test on cloud.

dchaley commented 4 days ago

The new model is uploaded:


Its md5 hash is: 56b0f246081fe6b730ca74eab8a37d60 gs://genomics-data-public-central1/cellular-segmentation/vanvalenlab/deep-cell/vanvalenlab-tf-model-multiplex-downloaded-20230706/MultiplexSegmentation-resaved-20240710-md5.txt

It was generated like so:

model =  tf.keras.models.load_model("/Users/davidhaley/.keras/models/MultiplexSegmentation")

It seems to be really that simple… but, see upcoming PR for caveats on loading the .h5 model.

dchaley commented 3 days ago

Cloud results 🎉


Reading model from /root/.keras/models/MultiplexSegmentation.
Loaded model in 8.99 s
Ran prediction in 2.82 s; success: True


Loading model from: /root/.keras/models/MultiplexSegmentation-resaved-20240710.h5
Loaded model in 2.68 s
Ran prediction in 2.79 s; success: True

Summary of results:

Environment Before After Diff
Macbook M3 Max Pro 12.3 s 0.84 s -11.46 s (-93%)
n1-standard-8 w/ 1 T4 GPU 8.99 s 2.68 s -6.31 s (-70%)
n1-standard-32 w/ 1 T4 GPU 8.21s 2.72 s -5.49 s (-67%)

Of note, loading the model into memory used to take ~3x the time of predicting the 512x512 image. Now it's roughly the same.