dchapyshev / aspia

Remote desktop and file transfer tool.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.59k stars 339 forks source link

Для запуска этого проекта требуется долгая и тяжелая конфигурация, и он все еще работает в конце, что мешает развитию проекта. #128

Closed introspection3 closed 2 years ago

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

Мы потратили несколько дней и скачали десятки гигабайт компонентов. В конце концов, мы так и не смогли запустить этот проект, как вы сказали. Можно ли упростить работу? Уважаемый сэр?

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

It's impossible. Use pre-built app assemblies.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

Сэр, нет ничего невозможного. В настоящее время этот проект повлиял на его быстрое развитие, потому что большинство людей не могут его скомпилировать. @dchapyshev

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

What do you suggest? vcpkg makes it easier to build dependencies. Without it, you will have to build all dependencies manually according to the instructions of the manufacturers (of these libraries). This path will be many times more difficult. The application is now very easy to build. You just need to follow the assembly instructions carefully.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

Сэр, если у вас совершенно новая операционная система, возможно, вы знаете, в чем проблема.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

@dchapyshev CMake Error at proto/CMakeLists.txt:39 (protobuf_generate): Unknown CMake command "protobuf_generate".

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

@dchapyshev image

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

do you know why?? @dchapyshev

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

You don’t follow the assembly instructions on principle? All of your problems are due to this. For example: Why are you using triplet x86-windows instead of x86-windows-static?

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

sir we have try it at first,but failed....

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

This only means that you have not followed the other points of the instructions. You must strictly follow all points of the instructions and then everything will work out.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

sir, we have try it at first,but failed.... image

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

Where did you get vcpkg from?

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

Where did you get vcpkg from?

we download vcpkg from github

introspection3 commented 2 years ago


dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

According to the instructions, you should have taken vcpkg from here: https://github.com/dchapyshev/vcpkg. Where exactly did you download vcpkg from?

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

Oh,My God,you have created yourself vcpkg?we download microsoft's vcpkg

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

There are some patches on my vcpkg fork. You have to use it. The same was written in the instructions.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

There are some patches on my vcpkg fork. You have to use it. The same was written in the instructions.

sir ,thank you.my God,your action is too terrible

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

@dchapyshev sir libyuv has something wrong. image

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

I don’t know why you don’t have access to google servers. It works fine for me.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

maybe you have an old libyuv version

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but you're talking nonsense. It's you have some kind of problem accessing Google servers. Version of vcpkg was updated on December 23rd. But this cannot be a problem, there the git is called to download the specified commit. And this commit is there.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago


introspection3 commented 2 years ago

jom 1.1.3 - empower your cores

WARNING: Failure to find: qt5qml_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/src/5.15.2-30e50540ea.clean/src/3rdparty/masm/assembler/.h WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/src/5.15.2-30e50540ea.clean/src/3rdparty/masm/wtf/.h WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qml/qt5qml_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5qmld_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/src/5.15.2-30e50540ea.clean/src/3rdparty/masm/assembler/.h WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/src/5.15.2-30e50540ea.clean/src/3rdparty/masm/wtf/.h WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qml/qt5qmld_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5qmlmodels_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qmlmodels/qt5qmlmodels_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5qmlmodelsd_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qmlmodels/qt5qmlmodelsd_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5qmlworkerscript_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qmlworkerscript/qt5qmlworkerscript_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5qmlworkerscriptd_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qmlworkerscript/qt5qmlworkerscriptd_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5quick_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/quick/qt5quick_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5quickd_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/quick/qt5quickd_metatypes.json G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\src\5.15.2-30e50540ea.clean\src\quick\scenegraph\qsgrenderloop.cpp(0): Note: No relevant classes found. No output generated. Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5quickshapes_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/quickshapes/qt5quickshapes_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5quickshapesd_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/quickshapes/qt5quickshapesd_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5quicktest_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qmltest/qt5quicktest_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qt5quicktestd_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: G:/v/buildtrees/qt5-declarative/x86-windows-static-rel/src/qmltest/qt5quicktestd_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5test_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: labsmodelsplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmllocalstorageplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmlsettingsplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmlfolderlistmodelplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qtqmlstatemachine_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmlsettingsplugind_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmlfolderlistmodelplugind_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmllocalstorageplugind_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: labsmodelsplugind_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qtqmlstatemachined_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: labsanimationplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: labsanimationplugind_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qquicklayoutsplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qquicklayoutsplugind_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5sql_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: windowplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: windowplugind_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmlwavefrontmeshplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmlwavefrontmeshplugind_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmltestplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qmltestplugind_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: sharedimageplugin_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: sharedimageplugind_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5test_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qml_metatypes.json WARNING: Failure to find: qml_metatypes.json Cannot open foreign types file G:/v/installed/x86-windows-static/lib/metatypes/qt5network_metatypes.json jom: G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\x86-windows-static-rel\tools\qmleasing\Makefile.Release [....\bin\qmleasing.exe] Error 1257 jom: G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\x86-windows-static-rel\tools\qmleasing\Makefile [release] Error 2 jom: G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\x86-windows-static-rel\tools\Makefile [sub-qmleasing-make_first] Error 2 jom: G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\x86-windows-static-rel\tools\qml\Makefile.Release [....\bin\qml.exe] Error 1257 jom: G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\x86-windows-static-rel\tools\qml\Makefile [release] Error 2 jom: G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\x86-windows-static-rel\tools\Makefile [sub-qml-make_first] Error 2 jom: G:\v\buildtrees\qt5-declarative\x86-windows-static-rel\Makefile [sub-tools-make_first] Error 2

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

@dchapyshev same problem with your vcpkg

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

@dchapyshev sir,this project is too terrible,it wasted our one week to configure it,but also failed,it's too sad for us...

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

so the project can only run on your pc ,sir

dchapyshev commented 2 years ago

Yesterday I put together a project on a clean computer and there were no problems with the build. Many people have already built a project and they also did not have any problems. I do not know why you are having problems. You are either not following the build instructions, or there is something wrong with your system.

introspection3 commented 2 years ago

@dchapyshev sir ,I doubt that your words. vcpkg.exe install qt5-translations:x86-windows-static will not succeed,because this pkg is not support by Microsoft (Microsoft team said)

introspection3 commented 2 years ago
