dcharatan / pixelsplat

[CVPR 2024 Oral, Best Paper Runner-Up] Code for "pixelSplat: 3D Gaussian Splats from Image Pairs for Scalable Generalizable 3D Reconstruction" by David Charatan, Sizhe Lester Li, Andrea Tagliasacchi, and Vincent Sitzmann
MIT License
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BUG?(when loading ckpt for `src/paper/generate_point_cloud_figure.py`) #35

Closed zhongqiu1245 closed 6 months ago

zhongqiu1245 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your amazing job! I'm trying to use src/paper/generate_point_cloud_figure.py to generate *.ply, when I run

python -m src.paper.generate_point_cloud_figure checkpointing.load=ckpt/re10k.ckpt

This error came out ![Uploading 截图 2024-02-21 21-24-37.png…]()

RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for ModelWrapper:
        Missing key(s) in state_dict: "encoder.backbone.model.conv1.weight", "encoder.backbone.model.layer1.0.conv1.weight", "encoder.backbone.model.layer1.0.conv2.weight", "encoder.backbone.model.layer1.0.conv3.weight", "encoder.backbone.model.layer1.0.downsample.0.weight"...

Something error when loading. I find the keys of ckpt['state_dict'] is wrong. For example: Missing 'encoder.backbone.model.layer1.2.conv3.weight', which actually is 'encoder.backbone.resnet_backbone.model.layer1.2.conv3.weight' in ckpt.

Could you release the version of re10k.ckpt of generate_point_cloud_figure? Thank you in advance!

zhongqiu1245 commented 6 months ago

Change the backbone to dino