dchest / tweetnacl-js

Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
The Unlicense
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Update README.md #159

Closed tarun1475 closed 5 years ago

tarun1475 commented 5 years ago

React native bindings for using tweetnacl.js in mobile platform with ease.


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dchest commented 5 years ago

Hm, why does it need to be a fork? Peerio Mobile, for example, just sets PRNG to react-native-randombytes https://github.com/PeerioTechnologies/peerio-mobile/blob/98d025da596055f113383b44b5bc2e8fa22b3478/app/lib/crypto/index.js#L9

Can something be done here without fork?

tarun1475 commented 5 years ago

Sure, But if you want to integrate seamlessly to your react-native project , it would require certain more steps as mentioned in my npm package https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-tweetnacl. yes we can make folder in the current repo and integrate my code into that folder e.g react-native lib. That lib will contain all the neccassary dependencies like react-native-crypto, react-native-randombytes etc and we can update the master branch without fork.