dchest / tweetnacl-js

Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
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refactor: convert to native esm #261

Open PhearZero opened 4 months ago

PhearZero commented 4 months ago


Node 16 and all major browsers now support esm modules. This proposes refactoring the module in a non-breaking way in order to better leverage modern bundlers.

This could be refactored to be less code changes, this work was just looking for bundle optimizations for an sdk module. The least amount of changes would be having a single file. I have no issues with reworking this PR just seeing how difficult it would be and learning more about it's structure.


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PhearZero commented 4 months ago

@dchest I have a way to load the random number generator in an esm friendly way for node.js.

If the browser doesn't support an RNG, this should fail with the check for process

Relates to: https://github.com/StableLib/stablelib/pull/51#issuecomment-1139517047