dchester / epilogue

Create flexible REST endpoints and controllers from Sequelize models in your Express app
846 stars 116 forks source link

repo unmaintained! active fork: https://github.com/tommybananas/finale #225

Open mklemenz opened 6 years ago

mklemenz commented 6 years ago

I'm writing a web application and think about using this great lib, but...

@dchester & @mbroadst this repo hasn't seen any commits since almost a year. Issues and Pull requests seem to be piling up. Hence my question, whether this software has hit a dead end?

Kirill89 commented 6 years ago

@mklemenz I'm in the same situation. Maybe you know alternatives for this module? @dchester, @mbroadst maybe you're looking for maintainers? Let me know if so.

mklemenz commented 6 years ago

Maybe you know alternatives for this module?

if you're into automatically generated client-side models, have a look at BreezeJS. it is a kind of wrapper around sequelize... not everyone's cup of tea, though ;)

tommybananas commented 6 years ago

Hey everyone, I am currently maintaining a fork of Epilogue that aims to support Sequelize v4. We already have full test coverage.


mklemenz commented 6 years ago

kudos to @tommybananas !