dchester / jsonpath

Query and manipulate JavaScript objects with JSONPath expressions. Robust JSONPath engine for Node.js.
MIT License
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Error: Can't walk dependency graph: Cannot find module '..' #177

Open THLJamie opened 2 years ago

THLJamie commented 2 years ago

I had followed the instruction and installed the jsonpath, below is the jsonpath folder under node_modules: Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 11 35 45 AM

Then I import the jsonpath and used the query function as below: Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 11 38 04 AM

Then when run the test, I got below error: Error: Can't walk dependency graph: Cannot find module '..' from '/Users/jamiezhai/Automation/cypress-e2e-test/node_modules/jsonpath/jsonpath.js' required by /Users/jamiezhai/Automation/cypress-e2e-test/node_modules/jsonpath/jsonpath.js Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 11 39 03 AM Pls can anyone help/suggest? Thanks heaps!

EarthyOrange commented 2 years ago

I remember seeing something similar and discovered that this issue happens when the browser entry point (in package.json) is being used. Using the main entry point fixes it for me.