dchohfi / KeyValueObjectMapping

Automatic KeyValue Object Mapping for Objective-C, parse JSON/plist/Dictionary automatically
MIT License
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Mapping of simple JSON arrays (e.g. array of strings) #98

Open mungler opened 2 years ago

mungler commented 2 years ago

The existing code makes the assumption that if mapping an array, the objects in the array are JSON objects, i.e.:

[ { "some": "object", "foo":"bar",...}, { "another":"object", "bar":"baz", ... }, {...}, {...} ]

But if the JSON array is a simple array of strings, for example:

[ "one", "two", "three", .... ]

The app will crash with:

'*** -[NSDictionary initWithDictionary:copyItems:]: dictionary argument is not an NSDictionary'

This is because of the assumption made that the array objects are JSON objects, not simple values.

This pull request fixes this issue: https://github.com/dchohfi/KeyValueObjectMapping/pull/96