dchristl / esp32_nat_router_extended

a simple ESP32 NAT Router with some additional features
260 stars 47 forks source link

Feature request - wireguard #74

Open TimDowker opened 11 months ago

TimDowker commented 11 months ago

Any chance you could add wireguard to the image? Would be great to have a super portable VPN solution like that.

Great work!

ErfanDL commented 11 months ago


dchristl commented 11 months ago

Hello @TimDowker ,

I think the idea is great. There would be quite a bit to do for that, and I don't think I'll have time for it in the short term. However, I'll keep it in mind, and if I get the chance, I'll expand the router. On the other hand, I am open to accepting Pull requests ;)

Kind regards, Danny

vkhurana commented 6 months ago

ESPHome added a WireGuard component that works on the ESP32 (https://esphome.io/components/wireguard.html) so unless there are other constraints it seems like this should be possible.

Cool idea!

dchristl commented 6 months ago

Hello @vkhurana,

thank you for the tip; I've also played around with Wireguard on the ESP32. In principle, it should be possible, but there's quite a bit to do, and all available libraries are in alpha, supporting only a few features. So, the functionality will be somewhat limited, and when I have time, that's the next point where I plan to work more intensively.

Kind regards, Danny

ju5t3nc4s3 commented 3 months ago


kondakos commented 3 months ago


TheHexaMaster commented 2 months ago
