dciabrin / ngdevkit

Open source development for Neo-Geo
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Can you please help me with this folder makefile issue #59

Open NeoGeoFreak2004 opened 2 years ago

NeoGeoFreak2004 commented 2 years ago

Hey there, so I am trying to build a program using a makefile in my own Directory but then when I type “make gngeo” it gives me a makefile error or something, so can you help me please!

dciabrin commented 2 years ago

Have you build your program yet with "make"? Can you paste the output of make gngeo?

NeoGeoFreak2004 commented 2 years ago

Makefile:22: ../Makefile.common: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target '../Makefile.common'. Stop.

dciabrin commented 2 years ago

Instead of using the Makefile copied from ./examples (which is a direct git checkout of ngdevkit-examples), can you try to replace your copied makefile with the standalone example that is available at https://github.com/dciabrin/ngdevkit-examples/tree/standalone/00-standalone?

This example makefile is a bit different from what you most probably copied, because it directly include Makefile.common in your local directory, rather the top directory as your error reported. Please make sure to follow the instruction that I gave you in #53: you need to adapt makefiles from 00-standalone and have the ngdevkit toolchain in your path as explained.

NeoGeoFreak2004 commented 2 years ago

so when i try to run the "make gngeo" command it gives me this error:ngdevkit-gngeo --scale 3 --no-resize -i rom puzzledp Option blitter Option shaderpath Option shader Option scale Option p1control Option p2control c=282 flags scale set on cmd line c=4369 flags resize set on cmd line c=105 flags rompath set on cmd line Using GL: 4.2 (Core Profile) Mesa 21.0.3 Loading GLSL preset /home/anthony/examples/shaders/qcrt-flat.glslp Initializing a 3-passes shader pipeline Linked shader program: shaders/qcrt-sharpen-ghost-intensity.glsl Linked shader program: shaders/qcrt-aperture_grille-s_intensity.glsl Linked shader program: shaders/qcrt-scanlines.glsl Pass 0 output texture size: 304 x 224 Pass 1 output texture size: 896 x 224 Pass 2 output texture size: 896 x 672 CURSOR=1 CURSOR=0 Get mapid A Get mapid B Get mapid C Get mapid D Get mapid START Get mapid COIN Get mapid UP Get mapid DOWN Get mapid LEFT Get mapid RIGHT 5, A | joy no 0 | evt B | 0 5, B | joy no 0 | evt B | 1 5, C | joy no 0 | evt B | 2 5, D | joy no 0 | evt B | 3 5, START | joy no 0 | evt B | 9 5, COIN | joy no 0 | evt B | 8 5, UP | joy no 0 | evt a | 3 5, DOWN | joy no 0 | evt a | 3 5, LEFT | joy no 0 | evt A | 0 5, RIGHT | joy no 0 | evt A | 0 Get mapid A Get mapid B Get mapid C Get mapid D Get mapid START Get mapid COIN Get mapid UP Get mapid DOWN Get mapid LEFT Get mapid RIGHT 5, A | joy no 1 | evt B | 0 5, B | joy no 1 | evt B | 1 5, C | joy no 1 | evt B | 2 5, D | joy no 1 | evt B | 3 5, START | joy no 1 | evt B | 9 5, COIN | joy no 1 | evt B | 8 5, UP | joy no 1 | evt a | 3 5, DOWN | joy no 1 | evt a | 3 5, LEFT | joy no 1 | evt A | 0 5, RIGHT | joy no 1 | evt A | 0 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=126265 STBILOAD 0x5558d945dd20 304 224 4 1216 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=33898 STBILOAD 0x5558d9447450 605 14 4 2420 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=33898 STBILOAD 0x5558d944f8b0 605 14 4 2420 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=33898 STBILOAD 0x5558d94a0530 605 14 4 2420 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=33898 STBILOAD 0x5558d94a8990 605 14 4 2420 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=33898 STBILOAD 0x5558d94b0df0 605 14 4 2420 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=33898 STBILOAD 0x5558d94b9250 605 14 4 2420 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=69626 STBILOAD 0x5558d94d26c0 1243 14 4 4972 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=69626 STBILOAD 0x5558d94e36b0 1243 14 4 4972 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=69626 STBILOAD 0x5558d94f46a0 1243 14 4 4972 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=69626 STBILOAD 0x5558d9505690 1243 14 4 4972 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=69626 STBILOAD 0x5558d9516680 1243 14 4 4972 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=69626 STBILOAD 0x5558d9527670 1243 14 4 4972 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=2540 STBILOAD 0x5558d9350c50 32 32 4 128 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=2455 STBILOAD 0x5558d935b1e0 32 32 4 128 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=2861 STBILOAD 0x5558d935c1f0 32 32 4 128 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=2826 STBILOAD 0x5558d935eb80 32 32 4 128 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=12237 STBILOAD 0x5558d943efd0 75 67 4 300 DATAFILE = /usr/share/ngdevkit-gngeo/gngeo_data.zip Readed=1263 STBILOAD 0x5558d94c16b0 75 90 4 300 Option blitter Option shaderpath Option shader Option p1control Option p2control AA Blitter glsl effect none CURSOR=0 CURSOR=0 BBB Blitter glsl effect none Loading rom/puzzledp.zip Couldn't open rom/puzzledp.zip Can't load puzzledp Can't init puzzledp...

dciabrin commented 2 years ago

That indicates that the rom is not built in this directory. You either haven't run "make" before, or the compilation failed somewhere. Can you type "make" and see what the output is?

NeoGeoFreak2004 commented 2 years ago

m68k-neogeo-elf-gcc pkg-config --cflags ngdevkit -std=c99 -fomit-frame-pointer -g -c main.c -o main.o m68k-neogeo-elf-gcc -o rom.elf main.o pkg-config --libs ngdevkit mkdir rom m68k-neogeo-elf-objcopy -O binary -S -R .comment rom.elf rom/202-p1.p1 && dd if=rom/202-p1.p1 of=rom/202-p1.p1 conv=notrunc,swab 1024+0 records in 1024+0 records out 524288 bytes (524 kB, 512 KiB) copied, 0.00915812 s, 57.2 MB/s make -C ../assets make[1]: *** ../assets: No such file or directory. Stop.