dciabrin / ngdevkit

Open source development for Neo-Geo
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Debug in mame Help #75

Closed NeoGeoFreak2004 closed 2 years ago

NeoGeoFreak2004 commented 2 years ago

Hey yall, so anyways I want to debug my programs in other emulators that are not gngeo. so here is the question how do i get that running. i also need help on whenever i run the rom in a emulator it doesn't play the eyecatcher bootup jingle so how do i implement that into the program?

NeoGeoFreak2004 commented 2 years ago

Hey aren’t you going to respond to me?

dciabrin commented 2 years ago


Like many other folks working on pet projects, I don't have an infinite amount of spare time to allocate on ngdevkit. You have to understand and respect that. I allocate my time on this project based on how I think I can provide a meaningful contribution. You have been told numerous time on various issues that: 1) the issues are not a discussion board, but rather a means to get answer to shortcomings in the projects; 2) you must report issues diligently if you want any meaningful answer to them.

Now back to the two different things you're asking in this single issue.

In ngdevkit I provided a modified gngeo with added support for source-level debugging via GDB. That was on purpose, because I know no other emulator that does that. The closest that I can think of is Mame, which provides assembly-level debugging capabilities. I have no idea how to use them though.

As for the jingle, there have been various discussions already in #11 #14 #22 to show how the ROM compilation can be tweaked to generate a ROM that will boot without of without eye catcher. The outcome of those discussions is gathered in ngdevkit-examples. This is the only source of documentation that is currently provided by this project. I can understand that you need more, but that is currently the only available material that you will find here. Other forums on the internet most likely hve the info you're looking for.

I won't spend more time answering open questions like these because I think it's pointless. Nor will I explain my standpoint anymore. I'm kindly asking you to do more personal work prior to posting here, be more polite and very specific in what you're asking, and stop expecting immediate answers to all of your questions.

I'm closing this issue now as it's too generic to get any meaningful answer.