dcjones / Judo.jl

A Julia document generator
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hide / display #13

Open tpoisot opened 9 years ago

tpoisot commented 9 years ago

(If I understood the doc correctly) to have a block and its output displayed, I have to use

```{.julia hide="false" display="true"}
Code goes here

Wouldn't it make more sense to use something like show as opposed to hide? This way the keyword would reflect the expected behavior, as opposed to thinking about the opposite?

tpoisot commented 9 years ago

(also just a note, but I am unable to get any result to be printed in the compiled document, using any variation, or even none, of these parameters)

tpoisot commented 9 years ago

Actually, it's only when I use print. If I use x, I get the value of x. If I use print(x), I get nothing.