When testing a quip compressed BAM file, I get an error message:
$ /software/quip-git/src/quip -t -r ./Homo_sapiens_assembly19_sorted.fa ALLSIL-rg.bam.qp
quip: ALLSIL-rg.bam: File already exists.
Would you like to overwrite it (y or n)? n
quip: ALLSIL-rg.bam.qp: Null format given.
Doesn't quip store the kind of file it compresses, so it knows the default output format?
Also the quip: ALLSIL-rg.bam: File already exists. line contains an additional character after .bam.
Execute the following command in a terminal to see it:
When specifying the output file format, I get a segfault:
$ /software/quip-git/src/quip -t -o bam -r ./Homo_sapiens_assembly19_sorted.fa ALLSIL-rg.bam.qp
quip: ALLSIL-rg.bam: File already exists.
Would you like to overwrite it (y or n)? n
Segmentation fault
When testing a quip compressed BAM file, I get an error message:
Doesn't quip store the kind of file it compresses, so it knows the default output format?
Also the quip: ALLSIL-rg.bam: File already exists. line contains an additional character after .bam. Execute the following command in a terminal to see it:
strace ouput:
When specifying the output file format, I get a segfault:
Part of strace output: