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How I wrote NgRx Store in 63 lines of code #79

Open evgenyfedorenko opened 4 years ago

evgenyfedorenko commented 4 years ago

Evgeny Fedorenko https://twitter.com/e_fedorenko A software engineer at Fannie Mae How I wrote NgRx Store in 63 lines of code

My talk will be based on the article I wrote for Angular in Depth https://blog.angularindepth.com/how-i-wrote-ngrx-store-in-63-lines-of-code-dfe925fe979b


jakerella commented 4 years ago

Hi @evgenyfedorenko! This sounds neat, hopefully we can get it on the schedule in the Spring. Can you flesh out a 3-4 sentence abstract of the talk for us? It doesn't look like that article link is still live.

evgenyfedorenko commented 4 years ago

Hi @jakerella. Here is the link https://medium.com/angular-in-depth/how-i-wrote-ngrx-store-in-63-lines-of-code-dfe925fe979b

"Deep dive into NgRx Store. How I tried to understand it by getting to the very essentials."

jakerella commented 4 years ago

Ah, that link works, thanks. We still need a bit more on the abstract for the talk though. This is the description of the talk that attendees will see on the meetup page. We need to give them a little more info on what the talk is about, and why they should be interested!

evgenyfedorenko commented 4 years ago

oh sure.

"This talk will be an in depth dive into the NgRx implementation. State, store, reducerFactory, createSelector - the integral parts of the library will be covered and explained. With all the bells and whistles removed it has a couple of basic RxJS operators. Turns out, there is only few lines needed to make it work which I will demonstrate in the demo."

jakerella commented 4 years ago

Sounds good! Can you also give us a 1 sentence "what is NgRx"? I'm guessing there will be a number of people who won't know.

evgenyfedorenko commented 4 years ago

Here is the official website https://ngrx.io/

"NgRx Store is RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux. Store is a controlled state container designed to help write performant, consistent applications on top of Angular."