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Rethinking Front End APIs: authoring a library with a declarative API #83

Closed jameslaneconkling closed 3 years ago

jameslaneconkling commented 3 years ago

Your Name: James Conkling Your twitter handle: @jamesconkling A few words about yourself: I'm a developer working at Sayari, a DC-based technology company tracking illicit financial networks. My background covers web development, cartography, and data visualization.

Talk title: Rethinking Front End APIs: authoring a library with a declarative API

Talk abstract: As a multi-paradigm language, javascript permits a wide range of different coding styles and varied approaches to organizing library APIs. When designing our network visualization library trellis, our team at Sayari took inspiration from projects like React and Kubernetes and D3 to create a fully declarative, stateless API that's easy to use and makes very few assumptions about the project it's embedded in. In this talk, I'll describe our thinking behind these choices, and demonstrate how projects like Trellis with declarative APIs contrast with data visualization libraries with imperative interfaces.

[A longer description of what you'd like to speak about goes here... you can revise this over time! This should be 4-5 sentences probably]

Expected length: 30min - 45min


jakerella commented 3 years ago

Thanks James! This looks interesting, I thin k we might not have time to get something together in July, are you open to August 12? I'll ping the other hosts and check that we don't have anyone set for that date yet.

jameslaneconkling commented 3 years ago

Yeah, took another look at my calendar and actually August should work for me, as would September.

jakerella commented 3 years ago

Let's plan on August for now. We'll get a meetup setup for it, but probably not for a week or two.

jakerella commented 3 years ago

@jameslaneconkling Hey there! So, we scheduled the meetup, but it looks like none of the hosts will be able to be online on that evening now. We'd like to postpone to the September meetup date, the 9th of September. Does that work for you?

jakerella commented 3 years ago

@jameslaneconkling Haven't heard back from you. We've cancelled the August meetup due to none of us being around to host. Will you be able to present on September 9?

jameslaneconkling commented 3 years ago

@jakerella apologies, missed that last message! Yes, Sept 9 works for me. Thanks for organizing this.

jakerella commented 3 years ago

Great, thanks @jameslaneconkling ! I'll post here when we have the September event up on Meetup.com

jakerella commented 3 years ago

All set, thanks again!


jakerella commented 3 years ago

Hey @jameslaneconkling! I don't see you registered for the meetup event, can you be sure to do so? That's how we'll send out Zoom information.


jameslaneconkling commented 3 years ago


jakerella commented 3 years ago

Thanks again James! Great talk.