dckc / awesome-ocap

Awesome Object Capabilities and Capability Security
The Unlicense
335 stars 24 forks source link

Office Hours: patterns of cooperation without vulnerability #22

Open dckc opened 2 years ago

dckc commented 2 years ago

Occasional Saturdays 9am Chicago

May 7: Jim's zoom room

See also: Wednesday Agoric Dev Office Hours

Topic Candidates

dckc commented 2 years ago

see https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/issues/3857 for follow-up

the agoric cli diagnostic if you're using an older node version is not great devex:

$ agoric
import 'esm';

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:895:18)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:995:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:815:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:727:14)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1047:10)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:11
(base) ~
dckc commented 2 years ago

11 Sep notes...

Validator Hardware Requirements, Performance

kc-strip on devnet: no joy

struggled to get my kc-strip node set-up working on devnet

https://gist.github.com/dckc/b2823f801f72fdc2a69bb07572141396 was due to version mis-match, I think.

but then with 6.0.0 65cec90 https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/releases/tag/%40agoric%2Fsdk%406.0.0 , I got

Error: failed to get address from Keybase: validator.info: key not found [agoric-labs/cosmos-sdk@v0.43.0-rc2.agoric/crypto/keyring/keyring.go:462]
dckc commented 2 years ago


notes from today:

@jimscarver said he has 2 goals:

  1. to build a leaderless organization exhibiting cooperative intelligence
  2. something about physics...

We have been working on (1) in rgov. We lamented that folks are re-inventing rgov/WorkingGroup.rho.

See also:

I went over some recent work:


We reviewed docs: fixed incorrect guide for setting up eslint to work with jessie by tgrecojs · #607 · Agoric/documentation by updating RChain-API to use @jessie-check

I tried to use the "flow-sensitive analysis" in jstar to define harden rules using escape analysis? #35 but we got stuck at:

@tgrecojs is trying to run the Agoric pegasus IBC demo (aka - sending a payment over IBC to agoricdev-6 from cosmoshub-test ), but on his M1 mac he hit dyld error when executing scenarios within cosmic-swingset makefile · Issue #4140 · Agoric/agoric-sdk. We tried working around it using:

While the pod was spinning up, I noted:

the pod did spin up, but then we adjourned; we hope @tgrecojs makes progress this way.

not discussed, but in an open tab:

dckc commented 2 years ago

Thanks for hosting today, @jimscarver . Good to see you @9rb . Thanks for all the questions that prompted me to provide much better context, @cwebber . As we discussed, it should make the recording much more valuable. And @Bill-Kunj put in an appearance toward the end.

Raw tab dump follows; here's hoping I find time to edit these notes.

Demo (internal) of RUN protocol governance · Issue #4348 · Agoric/agoric-sdk: https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/issues/4348 Office Hours: patterns of cooperation without vulnerability · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#22 · dckc/awesome-ocap: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/issues/22 RChain multi-shard DEX architecture compared to Osmosis on Cosmos / Agoric IBC · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#16 · rchain-community/rstake: https://github.com/rchain-community/rstake/issues/16 CapTP using RhoTypes.proto under @agoric/marshal · Issue rchain-community/js2rho#16 · rchain-community/rchain-api: rchain-community/js2rho#16 dckc/awesome-ocap: Awesome Object Capabilities and Capability Security: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap CapTP using RhoTypes.proto under @agoric/marshal · Issue rchain-community/js2rho#16 · rchain-community/rchain-api: rchain-community/js2rho#16 Demo: create a token and add it to the AMM / Swap · Issue Agoric/documentation#616 · Agoric/documentation: https://github.com/Agoric/documentation/issues/616 Agoric DEX tools: ERTP, Zoe, ... · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#4 · rchain-community/js2rho: https://github.com/rchain-community/js2rho/issues/4 Voting in Rholang - Google Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LLwejP0QdhHwhjYd-LFIPBblj1owjBGHBgL_EWh80V8/edit#slide=id.g9c72ba371b_0_1353 Map of zones - Cosmos network explorer: https://mapofzones.com/?testnet=false&period=24&tableOrderBy=totalIbcTxs&tableOrderSort=desc ocapn/ocapn: General planning and documentation repository for the OCapN protocol suite for distributed networked objects: https://github.com/ocapn/ocapn Tech Stack - Agoric: https://agoric.com/tech/ Voting Power Distribution on Cosmos Hub | The Big Dipper: https://devnet.explorer.agoric.net/voting-power-distribution Home | Uniswap Protocol: https://uniswap.org/ Uniswap Interface: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?chain=mainnet Uniswap Info: https://info.uniswap.org/#/ Hash Time Locked Contracts - Bitcoin Wiki: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Hash_Time_Locked_Contracts#:~:text=A%20Hash%20Time%20Locked%20Contract,returning%20it%20to%20the%20payer. Guile security vulnerability w/ listening on localhost + port (with fix): https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guile-user/2016-10/msg00007.html E in a Walnut: http://www.skyhunter.com/marcs/ewalnut.html Petname Systems -- Spritely: https://spritelyproject.org/news/petname-systems.html Agoric Core Economy: https://treasury.agoric.app/swap 2 Glow Tutorial: https://glow-lang.org/docs/Glow_Tutorial.html Chialisp: https://chialisp.com/ ZCash Gardening Club: Jessie, IBC, ... · Issue Agoric/documentation#628 · Agoric/documentation: https://github.com/Agoric/documentation/issues/628 Mina Protocol | The World's Lightest Blockchain Protocol: https://minaprotocol.com/ Propagators, Brainy, and Spritely - MetaFox Talks - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI8gA68OXLM&list=PLvf2RZCNC-UA6E8RjpebCnDGlsZN93E7b&index=2 Propagation Networks: A Flexible and Expressive Substrate for Computation: https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/49525 lgilpin-PhD-EECS-Sept2020.pdf: https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/gjs/lgilpin-PhD-EECS-Sept2020.pdf

dckc commented 2 years ago

Thanks for hosting again, @jimscarver

After a bit of introductions, we did get around to your request to discuss building a [RChain] token exchange and cross chain/shard swaps using agoric.

And I showed a recording of the "start the Agoric economy" governance process demo that didn't quite work last time.

raw tab dump follows

dckc/awesome-ocap: Awesome Object Capabilities and Capability Security: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap#os Demo: create a token and add it to the AMM / Swap · Issue Agoric/documentation#616 · Agoric/documentation: https://github.com/Agoric/documentation/issues/616 RChain multi-shard DEX architecture compared to Osmosis on Cosmos / Agoric IBC · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#16 · rchain-community/rstake: https://github.com/rchain-community/rstake/issues/16 Home · dckc/awesome-ocap Wiki: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/wiki js2rho/examples at master · dckc/js2rho: https://github.com/dckc/js2rho/tree/master/examples Genode - Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 22.02: https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/22.02 MadMode: Rosetta Stone: Taking propositions-as-types to the next level | Code: https://www.madmode.com/2020/grok-idris-ct.html Introducing Fractally — The next generation of DAOs | by Daniel Larimer | goƒractally | Jan, 2022 | Medium: https://medium.com/gofractally/introducing-fractally-the-next-generation-of-daos-7c94981514d8 staking pools need separate rewards channel when bonding · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#32 · rchain/rchip-proposals: https://github.com/rchain/rchip-proposals/issues/32 RChain light client? Merkle tree to transactions? (IBC for RChain?) · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#35 · rchain/rchip-proposals: https://github.com/rchain/rchip-proposals/issues/35 rchain/CasperMessage.proto at dev · rchain/rchain: https://github.com/rchain/rchain/blob/dev/models/src/main/protobuf/CasperMessage.proto RChain: https://rchain.coop/#roadmap JavaScript Framework for Secure Distributed Computing | Beta: https://agoric.com/documentation/guides/js-programming/ (185) Distributed Programming for a Decentralized World - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDw4TTug5O1oHRbp2HkcvKABAY9FKsmG 2 way reliable messaging (VatTP) layer · Issue rchain-community/rchain-api#94 · rchain-community/rchain-api: https://github.com/rchain-community/rchain-api/issues/94 boot gov demo - Zoom: https://agoric.zoom.us/rec/play/RJ-h-FBIDHWjx1FzcYulGGBZucRahu7LPNqXo6VzH-9QVa_LFtcgK9W7t7nEk8AhtkZL6c4RqPNXUccI.q381Tb97zX9J2YU8?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=Yx6KEt-zRpmiju5CzUA_Gw.1646492593769.cf613e17d7f632f36f5ed16091eb1a95&_x_zm_rhtaid=444

jimscarver commented 2 years ago

Thanks for hosting again, @jimscarver

After a bit of introductions, we did get around to your request to discuss building a [RChain] token exchange and cross chain/shard swaps using agoric.

Video https://youtu.be/262MYn4wpHU

tgrecojs commented 2 years ago

comment planned to be subject to edits

topic dump related to hardened js / Zoe contract testing.

  1. Best way to approach setup testing environment for Zoe.

Seems like a lot of boilerplate code is used. wondering if it would be effective to take an approach in which a test-specific code is embedded within an abstract data type in order to provide an interface for handling Zoe test setup.

const { zoeService: zoe, feeMintAccess } = makeZoeKit(fakeVatAdmin.admin); 
const bundle = await bundleSource(contractRoot); 
fakeVatAdmin.vatAdminState.installBundle('b1-contract', bundle); 
const installation = await E(zoe).installBundleID('b1-contract'); 
const { creatorFacet, instance } = await E(zoe).startInstance( 
// In case a second zcf is needed 
const { creatorFacet: creatorFacet2, instance: instance2 } = await E( 
).startInstance(installation, issuerKeywordRecord, terms);
  1. endo/init + migration of other hardened js libraries from agoric to end
  2. Using test runners like quokka and wallabyjs to test hardened-js → issues arise which i believe stem from babel / initialization of lockdown function

hardened babel ses meeting

dckc commented 2 years ago

Looks like the agoric-sdk -> endo migration is in https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/506 , https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/pull/4427 and points nearby.

tgrecojs commented 2 years ago



dckc commented 2 years ago

today's topics, mostly:

tab dump: https://gist.github.com/dckc/393baa13b32d7301af412cb8ba5a242a

jimscarver commented 2 years ago

today's topics, mostly:


dckc commented 2 years ago

This week (2 Apr) @Bill-Kunj and @TheoXD have an RDrive thingy to show and tell. Part of the https://github.com/r-publishing stuff, I gather.

Jan 22 14:00 UTC

dckc commented 2 years ago

raw tab dump from today follows; here's hoping I manage to edit the story a bit...

dckc/awesome-ocap: Awesome Object Capabilities and Capability Security: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap Facet · dckc/awesome-ocap Wiki: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/wiki/Facet Mark S. Miller, Immunity from Viruses, Safety from Geeks Bearing Gifts (May 9, 2002) - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoM_aCuFk1w ingest 2021 Q2 balance sheet into RVote agenda (WIP) by dckc · Pull Request rchain-community/rchain-api#63 · rchain/reference: https://github.com/rchain/reference/pull/63 Agoric (@agoric) / Twitter: https://twitter.com/agoric Gateway Conference & Hackathon: https://gateway.events/ agoric-sdk/packages at master · Agoric/agoric-sdk: https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/tree/master/packages Happy BLD distribution day! Which validator to delegate to? - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFECe7KGUeM CoinList Wiki on Twitter: "$BLD coming to your wallets soon 😍 Tokens will be locked but can be staked! Rewards are unlocked! 🔥 Thanks to @agoric - the Javascript Smart Contract infrastructure plarform that aims to push blockchain programming to mainstream web2.0 devs. 🎉 #Agoric #TokenSale #BLD #Web3 https://t.co/lwNkvbs5hc" / Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoinlistWiki/status/1509476879148978182 Demo (internal) of RUN protocol governance · Issue #4348 · Agoric/agoric-sdk: https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/issues/4348 The Mother of All Demos - Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mother_of_All_Demos Zoe | Beta: https://agoric.com/documentation/zoe/api/zoe.html#e-zoe-getinvitationdetails-invitation Cosmos Validator List | The Big Dipper: https://main.explorer.agoric.net/validators?sort=uptime&dir=1 js2rho/capTPTool.js at captp · rchain-community/js2rho: https://github.com/rchain-community/js2rho/blob/captp/lib/capTPTool.js Our Story - Agoric: https://agoric.com/about/ Using Durable Objects · Cloudflare Workers docs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/learning/using-durable-objects/ CapTP using RhoTypes.proto under @agoric/marshal · Issue rchain-community/js2rho#16 · rchain-community/rchain-api: rchain-community/js2rho#16 Osmosis: TVL and stats - DefiLlama: https://defillama.com/protocol/osmosis April 13-14 2022 - Paris Blockchain Week Summit - Build The Next Web: https://www.pbwsummit.com/ Dan Connolly's Index of Events: https://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/events/ ACTION-497: Prepare us for a teleconference with IETF-IAB on possible prague IETF presentation. - Technical Architecture Group Tracker: https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/497 260 Dec 8 Community Debrief - Tech update 201, Theo NFT demo, Foresight Institute, Venus roadmap - RChain Blog: https://blog.rchain.coop/2021/12/10/debrief-260/

dckc commented 2 years ago

tab dump:

Office Hours: patterns of cooperation without vulnerability · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#22 · dckc/awesome-ocap: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/issues/22 ocap bill of rights · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#17 · dckc/awesome-ocap: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/issues/17 meeting Jim Whitescarver - 1991? 1995? · Issue Agoric/documentation#159 · dckc/madmode-blog: https://github.com/dckc/madmode-blog/issues/159 Commonwealth – Agoric: https://commonwealth.im/agoric/discussion/4295-devnet-proposal-to-deploy-runstake-passed Agoric || Welcome aboard!: https://wallet.agoric.app/ Lunie 3: https://devnet.staking.agoric.app/proposals Introduction | Keplr wallet: https://docs.keplr.app/ Post | Feed | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6919311765688205312/ Post | Feed | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6919720783141359616/ W3C mailing list search service: https://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=whitescarver&hdr-1-name=subject&hdr-1-query=&hdr-2-name=from&hdr-2-query=&hdr-3-name=message-id&hdr-3-query=&period_month=&period_year=&index-type=g&index-grp=Public__FULL&type-index=&resultsperpage=20&sortby=date-asc W3C Process Document: https://www.w3.org/2021/Process-20211102/ Re: Client-side highlighting; tag proposal from James Whitescarver on 1995-03-14 (www-talk@w3.org from March to April 1995): https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/1995MarApr/0141.html www-talk from November to December 1991: documents, files, types, and access methods: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-talk/1991NovDec/0015.html MadMode: Smart Contracts for Health Research Data Sharing | Code: https://www.madmode.com/2018/boulder-bos.html MadMode: dreaming big at the RChain Governance Forum | Code: https://www.madmode.com/2018/rchain-gov-forum-sea MadMode: Smart Contracts and Capabilities Up Close | Code: https://www.madmode.com/2017/rchain-dev-retreat.html Aaron Swartz - Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz The Mother of All Demos, presented by Douglas Engelbart (1968) - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDv-zdhzMY When Encryption Was a Crime: The 1990s Battle for Free Speech in Software - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv8OFSWZkGs&list=PLBuns9Evn1w-T2RwqMhUnTZbTTe-M-g42&index=3 How to evaluate Web Applications security designs? | W3C Blog: https://www.w3.org/blog/2008/12/web-applications-security-requ/ MadMode: Introducing Capabilities to the Next Generation | Code: https://www.madmode.com/2016/03-park-talk.html eval() - JavaScript | MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/eval RChain: https://rchain.coop/ rchain-community/rgov: RChain liquid democracy demo: capability sharing, mailbox, directory, chat, ...: https://github.com/rchain-community/rgov MadMode: RChain Blues | Code: https://www.madmode.com/2019/rchain-blues.html feat(subm): 1 BLD request status google sheet by dckc · Pull Request Agoric/testnet-notes#44 · Agoric/testnet-notes: https://github.com/Agoric/testnet-notes/pull/44 Install RUN Protocol Preview release in devnet on April 22 · Issue #5062 · Agoric/agoric-sdk: https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/issues/5062

dckc commented 2 years ago


00:00 smart contract use case: administrative process automation 00:35 What are Zoe contracts? 00:52 agoric init - starting a dApp project 02:26 hello-zoe.js - your first contract 02:37 Hardened JavaScript 03:55 unit testing Zoe contracts with ava 06:10 bundling contracts 07:30 installing contract bundles; starting contracts 08:46 remote invocation with eventual send: E(obj).m(...) 10:20 Agoric architecture stack: JavaScript VM on Cosmos SDK 12:15 Agoric Mainnet: Credible Decentralized Validators 17:50 HTTP, Blockchains, Oracles 23:30 eventual send (cont.) 27:55 debugging Zoe smart contracts with vs-code 32:05 Zoe lesson 2: separation of duties with creatorFacet 34:35 Far, Remotable and Marshaling 35:30 JavaScript objects as closures 40:40 Zoe Offer Safety with the atomicSwap.js contract 57:10 ERTP for wrapped assets between chains 1:00:50 cross-shard messaging with IBC and CapTP 1:10:20 Agoric Architecture: IBC, CapTP, ERTP 1:25:25 CapTP to RChain: building it 1:33:50 CapTP: The Four Tables

tab dump for today:

Office Hours: patterns of cooperation without vulnerability · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#22 · dckc/awesome-ocap: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/issues/22 Request 1 BLD as in Zoe using ag-solo plugins · Issue Agoric/validator-profiles#100 · Agoric/testnet-notes: Agoric/validator-profiles#100 dapp-oracle/spawn.js at main · Agoric/dapp-oracle: https://github.com/Agoric/dapp-oracle/blob/main/api/spawn.js eventual send with E() | Beta: https://agoric.com/documentation/guides/js-programming/eventual-send.html#eventual-send avajs/ava: Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence 🚀: https://github.com/avajs/ava Tech Stack - Agoric: https://agoric.com/tech/ Map of zones - Cosmos network explorer: https://mapofzones.com/?testnet=false&period=24&tableOrderBy=ibcVolume&tableOrderSort=desc Cosmos SDK - Cosmos Network: https://v1.cosmos.network/sdk Big Dipper | Agoric Block Explorer: https://agoric.bigdipper.live/ Big Dipper | Cosmos Explorer presented by Forbole: https://crypto-org.bigdipper.live/ Gravity DEX - Ecosystem - Cosmos: The Internet of Blockchains: https://cosmos.network/gravity-dex/?utm_source=forbole&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=gravitydex_launch&utm_id=gravitydex_launch&utm_term=organic&utm_content=block_explorer remote channels and deploys for cross-shard interaction · Issue Agoric/validator-profiles#100 · rchain/rchip-proposals: https://github.com/rchain/rchip-proposals/issues/45 assetStore - a multi token standard · Issue Agoric/testnet-notes#30 · rchain/rchip-proposals: https://github.com/rchain/rchip-proposals/issues/30 How and why RChain should use Agoric’s NFT design - Google Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19JHhdEXrG14usHN7aCVmhs_He-jhMm48acmdwe0ZgBE/edit#slide=id.ge22cb7b809_0_249 rgov/RevIssuer.rho at master · rchain-community/rgov: https://github.com/rchain-community/rgov/blob/master/rholang/core/RevIssuer.rho CapTP using RhoTypes.proto under @agoric/marshal · Issue rchain-community/js2rho#16 · rchain-community/rchain-api: rchain-community/js2rho#16 inter-shard communication · Issue rchain-community/rchain-api#47 · r-publishing/rpub-mono: https://github.com/r-publishing/rpub-mono/issues/47 endo/captp.js at master · endojs/endo: https://github.com/endojs/endo/blob/master/packages/captp/src/captp.js inter-shard communication · Issue rchain-community/rchain-api#47 · r-publishing/rpub-mono: https://github.com/r-publishing/rpub-mono/issues/47 2022-03-12 dan's office hours, agoric, capTP to rholang gateway - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue5TWcXktH0 CapTP: The 4 Tables: http://www.erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/4tables.html

dckc commented 2 years ago

tab dump from today:

Office Hours: patterns of cooperation without vulnerability · Issue Agoric/documentation#22 · dckc/awesome-ocap: https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/issues/22 staking pools need separate rewards channel when bonding · Issue Agoric/documentation#32 · rchain/rchip-proposals: https://github.com/rchain/rchip-proposals/issues/32 assetStore - a multi token standard · Issue Agoric/documentation#30 · rchain/rchip-proposals: https://github.com/rchain/rchip-proposals/issues/30 Issues · rchain/rchain: https://github.com/rchain/rchain/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+token how to make a contract that executes on receipt of REV? · Issue Agoric/documentation#31 · rchain/rchip-proposals: https://github.com/rchain/rchip-proposals/issues/31 delegated proof of stake pure - Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=delegated+proof+of+stake+pure&oq=delegated+proof+of+stake+pure&aqs=chrome..69i57.5713j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 What Is Proof of Stake (PoS)? PoS Types Examined | Gemini: https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/proof-of-stake-delegated-proof-of-stake-consensus-mechanism#section-pure-proof-of-stake

Use WalletConnect · Issue #2962 · Agoric/agoric-sdk: https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/issues/2962 Home - WalletConnect: https://walletconnect.com/ Agoric/documentation: User documentation: https://github.com/Agoric/documentation JavaScript Framework for Secure Distributed Computing | Beta: https://agoric.com/documentation/guides/js-programming/ Distributed Programming for a Decentralized World - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDw4TTug5O1oHRbp2HkcvKABAY9FKsmG NoahSaso/cosmodal: https://github.com/NoahSaso/cosmodal primordialsoup/interpreter.cc at master · newspeaklanguage/primordialsoup: https://github.com/newspeaklanguage/primordialsoup/blob/master/vm/interpreter.cc#L744-L754 Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share: https://scratch.mit.edu/ Alan Kay - Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Kay SmallTalk to rholang translator? · Issue Agoric/documentation#17 · rchain-community/js2rho: https://github.com/rchain-community/js2rho/issues/17 hierarchical NFTs? · Issue Agoric/documentation#5 · fabcotech/rchain-token: https://github.com/fabcotech/rchain-token/issues/5 idea: static analysis for unexpected throws · Issue Agoric/documentation#40 · sukyoung/safe: https://github.com/sukyoung/safe/issues/40#issuecomment-1165597550

dckc commented 1 year ago

last week:

2022-07-16 Dan's OCAPS early scheme, syndicate-lang, juno - YouTube

ocaps in Juno / cosmwasm? · Issue Agoric/documentation#29 · dckc/awesome-ocap https://github.com/dckc/awesome-ocap/issues/29

Ancient Web Browsers | tweedy http://9p.sdf.org/who/tweedy/ancient_browsers/

EMail Msg 9211212233.AA16031@njitgw.njit.edu http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1992.messages/344.html

XcRichText -- A Motif Widget for RTF https://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/support/XcRichText.html

Protocol specification - The Synit Manual https://synit.org/book/protocol.html

Byte Magazine Volume 06 Number 08 - Smalltalk : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/byte-magazine-1981-08/page/n5/mode/2up

The Spritely Networked Communities Institute -- Spritely Institute https://spritely.institute/

SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access https://sdf.org/?faq?UNIX?06

Whole Earth Catalog - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole_Earth_Catalog

MadMode: Closing music sharing loops with Amazon Cloud Player and iTunes home sharing | Code https://www.madmode.com/2011/04/closing-music-sharing-loops-with-amazon.html

Juno - Smart Contracts Zone https://www.junochainvalidate.live/

jimscarver commented 7 months ago

Can we discuss the DCF grant proposal in the morning meeting. Would another time be better?

Radically decentralized cooperation at scale

The aim of this project is user centric voluntary cooperation by consent among autonomous individuals and groups at scale in spite of differences in language, political, religious or philosophical disagreements employing patterns of successful decentralized organization and collective intelligence best practices.

Reification and ownership of capabilities with conditional delegation can facilitate capitalization on the abundance of underutilized human potential

Regenerative economics (UBI plus cooperation/value incentives?) enables viability of the user centric system.

dckc commented 7 months ago

Perhaps another week. Tomorrow I'm not available.