Easy Distributed Applications
and snapshots.
and modules.
Their module API looks like compartments with bits and bobs renamed. might be nice to get them to use the same name

Microvium is very small - @lobsters

Behind Microvium - Coder Mike
Behind Microvium
/ host.js
const Microvium = require('microvium');
const vm = Microvium.create();
// Create a "print" function in the global scope that refers to this lambda function in the host
vm.globalThis.print = s => console.log(s);
// Run some module source code
vm.evaluateModule({ sourceText: 'print("Hello, World!");' }); // Prints "Hello, World!" to the console
IOU markup clean-up
seen https://lobste.rs/s/6a3me8/microvium_is_very_small ? https://coder-mike.com/behind-microvium/
Easy Distributed Applications and snapshots. and modules. Their module API looks like compartments with bits and bobs renamed. might be nice to get them to use the same name
(edited)  Microvium is very small - @lobsters 7 comments  Behind Microvium - Coder Mike Behind Microvium 09:38 dckc D / host.js const Microvium = require('microvium');
const vm = Microvium.create();
// Create a "print" function in the global scope that refers to this lambda function in the host vm.globalThis.print = s => console.log(s);
// Run some module source code vm.evaluateModule({ sourceText: 'print("Hello, World!");' }); // Prints "Hello, World!" to the console