dckc / awesome-ocap

Awesome Object Capabilities and Capability Security
The Unlicense
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ocaps in Juno / cosmwasm? #29

Open dckc opened 2 years ago

dckc commented 2 years ago

juno is a cosmos zone with cosmwasm smart contracts. But what interests me is the community structure and the 2000+ DAO's.

So I'd like to see ocap support, like urefs in casper. Casper uses wasm, though not cosmwasm.

dckc commented 1 year ago

mentioned this to @jimscarver in office hours today

I think I did bring it up in the juno discord recently too

dckc commented 1 year ago

went to check out JunoSwap... discovered it's migrating...

The Juno DAO tools still look cool... integrated discussion, voting, and execution of decisions (a la swingset.CoreEval). Commonwealth looked promising but Agoric moved to Discourse to optimize discussion at the expense of integrated voting / execution.

At the end of the spectrum is stuff like the endo discord bot, CapDesk and Geeks Bearing Gifts, and VR gaming built with distributed objects (messaging and code).

dckc commented 1 year ago
