DanC: ERights.Org -- Open Source Distributed Capabilities
DanC: sigh... so much to study
DanC: index under WebOfTrust, DigitalRightsManagement
DanC: aka web of trust, digital rights management
DanC: this Capability-based Financial Instruments overview seems to discuss the technology at the level I'm interested in it.
DanC: using game theory to model security is very appealing...
DanC: ooh... vats... persistence too... it just keeps getting better. (I like the way they did objects based on lambda.)
danbri_: I imagine Jan would like this stuff...
jang: indeed. Some day, all systems will be built this way.
AaronSw: Another Mark Miller production
AaronSw: Mark also thinks "The world is filling up with bloated standards designed and expanded by committees run amok, as with XML and the w3c." and proposes "downward compatible", simplified standards.
archive of #rdfig 2001-09-05? (when did I discover erights?) Dan Connolly (Sunday, 10 January)