dclfbk / coolcitytrack

Climate Observation and Optimal Local Cooling - City Resilience Assessment and Climate Knowledge
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state of the art #1

Open napo opened 1 year ago

napo commented 1 year ago

Starting from the concept of Climate Shelders collect papers and create a page with a summary with these attributes:

The page is under docs

napo commented 1 year ago

reading Diurnal Outdoor Thermal Comfort Mapping through Envi-Met Simulations, Remotely Sensed and In Situ Measurements https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/14/4/641

napo commented 1 year ago

reading Analysis of the Urban Thermal Fingerprint of the City of Trento in the Alps https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/apme/50/5/2010jamc2613.1.xml

napo commented 1 year ago

reading Night and day: The influence and relative importance of urban characteristics on remotely sensed land surface temperature https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0034425720302315 code: https://github.com/tommlogan/land_surface_temperature

napo commented 1 year ago

reading Cooling Effect of Trees with Different Attributes and Layouts on the Surface Heat Island of Urban Street Canyons in Summer https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/14/5/857

napo commented 1 year ago

reading Efficient cooling of cities at global scale using urban green space to mitigate urban heat island effects in different climatic regions https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1618866722001789

napo commented 1 year ago

reading Cooling contributions of trees and targets for reducing urban heat in over 2,000 global cities code: https://github.com/MortonArb-ForestEcology/TreeBenefits-UrbanHeatIsland