dcloudio / HBuilderX

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HX's settings of fonts appearance were not working once restart the HX. #11

Open ocsxxi opened 2 years ago

ocsxxi commented 2 years ago

Hi dcloud friends,

Because of this flaw have been beseting me for many days, and it's no where for me to check because HX is not opensourced. I have to point it out so that this may get fixed.

The following steps will leading the review.

  1. To open the setting page, to modify the items' value which named "editor.fontFamily" and "editor.fontFmyCHS", especially to alter the "editor.fontFamily" to some font not Consolas e.g. "Fira Code". It would be obviously that the fonts family were changed to the target fonts.

  2. To make the HX restart. The fonts in the editor will still suitable to the setting page.

  3. To boot whatever any project running on whatever any platform, thus to expand a console panel, you would see the Mandarin characters in this panel will be the original sans serif font. The actual font in display look like "Simsun“(I'm not sure), but is not the target font I set in the setting page.

That's all. Hope this could be the help of the develop community.