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云函数中使用官方文档案例发送formdata对象,使用云端云函数请求时报错.getBuffer is not a function #3540

Closed LTorch closed 2 years ago

LTorch commented 2 years ago

问题描述 根据 https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uniCloud/cf-functions.html#httpclient 中提供的案例 image 使用该方法在本地云函数调试后可以正常发送请求,但是在部署unicloud云函数后,调用该函数却报错form.getBuffer is not a function

注:贴出的demo代码用于复现bug,我开发调用的接口地址是微信api的,请求需要证书和签名,所以这里放出的是我复现出bug的demo。 云空间服务商为腾讯云。 复现步骤 [复现问题的步骤]

'use strict';
const FormData = require('form-data'); // 此form-data需要使用npm安装,地址:https://www.npmjs.com/package/form-data
exports.main = async (event, context) => {
  const form = new FormData()
  form.append('otherParam', 'otherParam content');
  const res = await uniCloud.httpclient.request('https://httpbin.org/post', {
    method: 'POST',
    content: form.getBuffer(), // 请求内容
    headers: form.getHeaders(), // 请求头
    dataType: 'json' // 此处指定为json表示将此请求的返回值解析为json
  return res

预期结果 本地调试的时候上传成功 image

实际结果 部署到unicloud云函数后请求报错 form.getBuffer is not a function image


Wangyaqi commented 2 years ago


LTorch commented 2 years ago


Wangyaqi commented 2 years ago


LTorch commented 2 years ago


LTorch commented 2 years ago

image 还是一样,本地云函数可用,上传到云端后就不行了,第一条控制台是本地调试,第二条是请求云函数

Wangyaqi commented 2 years ago


LTorch commented 2 years ago

是这个,报错行是前端报错的log行数不一样。 image image

Wangyaqi commented 2 years ago


LTorch commented 2 years ago
    "result": {
        "author": "Felix Geisendörfer <felix@debuggable.com> (http://debuggable.com/)",
        "name": "form-data",
        "description": "A library to create readable \"multipart/form-data\" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.",
        "version": "4.0.0",
        "repository": {
            "type": "git",
            "url": "git://github.com/form-data/form-data.git"
        "main": "./lib/form_data",
        "browser": "./lib/browser",
        "typings": "./index.d.ts",
        "scripts": {
            "pretest": "rimraf coverage test/tmp",
            "test": "istanbul cover test/run.js",
            "posttest": "istanbul report lcov text",
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            "report": "istanbul report lcov text",
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            "predebug": "rimraf coverage test/tmp",
            "debug": "verbose=1 ./test/run.js",
            "browser": "browserify -t browserify-istanbul test/run-browser.js | obake --coverage",
            "check": "istanbul check-coverage coverage/coverage*.json",
            "files": "pkgfiles --sort=name",
            "get-version": "node -e \"console.log(require('./package.json').version)\"",
            "update-readme": "sed -i.bak 's/\\/master\\.svg/\\/v'$(npm --silent run get-version)'.svg/g' README.md",
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            "combined-stream": "^1.0.8",
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            "typescript": "^3.5.2"
        "license": "MIT"
Wangyaqi commented 2 years ago


LTorch commented 2 years ago

image 换了,还是一样XD

LTorch commented 2 years ago

node换了个版本就可以了,可能是环境问题吧XD image

1064094732 commented 3 weeks ago


1064094732 commented 3 weeks ago


1064094732 commented 3 weeks ago
