dcmi / dc-srap

Scholarly Resources Application Profile working group
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Presented at #8

Open juhahakala opened 3 years ago

juhahakala commented 3 years ago

Proposed URI: http://gbol.life/ontology/bibo/presentedAt/ (bibo:presentedAt)

Label: Presented at

The conference, workshop, shareholder meeting etc. where the resource was presented.

SRAP: Conference, workshop or other scientific event where the scholarly resource was presented.

Recommended practice is to identify formal meetings such as conferences with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal value that identifies the meeting may be provided. It is also possible to give both the name and the URI.

Example The Web Conference 2020</dcterms:presentedAt>

-- Discussion --

bibo:presentedAt (http://gbol.life/ontology/bibo/presentedAt/) has the semantics we need (it relates a document to an event; for example, a paper to a conference) but how widely is BIBO used?

kcoyle commented 3 years ago


This may need to take a shape as a value so that one could include conference name, conference date

osma commented 3 years ago

Two options:

  1. Reuse the bibo:presentedAt property
  2. Propose a new presentedAt property in DCTerms for the UB to decide on

How to model the conference? (e.g. name, place, date) This could be seen as out of scope for SRAP. We could just leave this open.

HughP commented 2 years ago

@kcoyle / @osma The way I have modeled conferences and presentations is to use the DCMIType and describe the artifact, and then use the relationship hasFormat and on the second record use the DCMIType Event and describe the event of the presentation. A conference is then a collection of events. and events have artifacts. Zotero will import dublin core metadata items with Event as presentations.

kcoyle commented 2 years ago

@HughP Using DCMIType event sounds like a good solution. I think that your "second record" is similar to my "taking a shape as a value." Can you give an example of what your records look like? I'm having trouble picturing the result. Thanks.

HughP commented 2 years ago


I am most familiar with DC as expressed in OAI-PMH and within that context as used in the Open Language Archives Community Application Profile. Which uses the xsi:type="vocab:value" construct within an element tag to add additional attributes, which are controlled vocabularies.

The following is how I have the event currently in my OAI feed. However, there are several things I have not implemented in this feed.

  1. Identifiers with a conceptual URI ending in a #.
  2. Cross-record linking.
  3. Relationships which would generally be a cross-record link.

I could craft the above three points by hand but the illustration mostly captures the big ideas.

Single Event Record

<dc:title>Reported Speech in Western Subanon</dc:title>
<dcterms:abstract>We analysed several texts of Western Subanon and presented their results.</dcterms:abstract>
<dc:description>Reported speech is claimed to be its own syntactic domain deserving special attention (Spronck & Nikitina 2019). Recent work focusing on West African languages has produced a set of proposed typologies or patterns around the introduction of units of reported speech (ERC grant: Discourse reporting in African storytelling No758232). One output of that project is an ELAN-CorpA (Chanard 2015, 2019) template for marking reported speech as reported on by Paterson, Hantgan and Chanard (2021). We take the typologies presented in the template and investigate how they align with patterns of reported speech events in several texts of Western Subanon, a language of the southern Philippines. We situate our analysis in the context of reported speech typological patterns presented and developed through cross-linguistic work in other language families. Finally, we discuss some general reported speech patterns across the Western Subanon texts.</dc:description>
<dc:identifier xsi:type="dcterms:URI">https://hughandbecky.us/Becky-CV/talk/2021-reported-speech-in-western-subanon/</dc:identifier>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="author">William Hall</dc:contributor>
<dc:contributor xsi:type="olac:role" olac:code="speaker">William Hall</dc:contributor>
<dc:type xsi:type="olac:linguistic-type" olac:code="language_description">language_description</dc:type>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:linguistic-field" olac:code="syntax">syntax</dc:subject>
<dc:subject xsi:type="olac:linguistic-field" olac:code="discourse_analysis">discourse_analysis</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Reported Speech</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Philippine Languages</dc:subject>
<dc:language xsi:type="olac:language" olac:code="eng">English</dc:language>
<dc:type xsi:type="dcterms:DCMIType">Event</dc:type>
<dcterms:accessRights>Open Access</dcterms:accessRights>
<dcterms:bibliographicCitation>Hugh J. Paterson III, William Hall, Rebecca Paterson (2021) Reported Speech in Western Subanon. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Austronesian Languages. Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.</dcterms:bibliographicCitation>
HughP commented 2 years ago

@kcoyle in the relationship between the event and the collection (currently labeled isFormatOf). Is this the most appropriate relationship? or is hasVersion better?

kcoyle commented 2 years ago

If I'm understanding the diagram, there are "events" at a conference, and the conference is a collection of those events. I see two possibilities:

  1. Each event is a single presentation. The presentation may be manifested as a video, as slides, as a written text. To me those are versions.
  2. Each event is a panel of presentations. Each presentation is a member of the panel "collection", and individually they are the same as 1.

Which means that you may have both situations depending on the granularity of your description and the format of the conference. In any case, I think that individual presentations and their outputs are versions of the presentation.

Does this make sense?