As an institutional repository manager, I want to batch import metadata from 3rd party systems like Crossref, CRIS systems, ... When identifiers are passed along, I want to be sure in what name space, domain or identification system these belong.
e.g. If I get a number XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX I want to be able to make sure whether it's in the ORCID namespace, a credit card number, ...
(a potential solution to this challenge is to enforce that the pids are all provided as referencable URLs themselves, which by their domain name, could make it implicitly clear what namespace they belong to)
As an institutional repository manager, I want to batch import metadata from 3rd party systems like Crossref, CRIS systems, ... When identifiers are passed along, I want to be sure in what name space, domain or identification system these belong.
e.g. If I get a number XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX I want to be able to make sure whether it's in the ORCID namespace, a credit card number, ...
(a potential solution to this challenge is to enforce that the pids are all provided as referencable URLs themselves, which by their domain name, could make it implicitly clear what namespace they belong to)