dcoapp / app

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Empty remediation commit - ok or bad? #207

Open hexagonrecursion opened 6 months ago

hexagonrecursion commented 6 months ago
  1. If remediation commits are allowed, the app will warn:

    Please note: You should avoid adding empty commits (i.e., git commit -s --allow-empty), because these will be discarded if someone rebases the branch / repo.

  2. On the other hand here the OP suggested adding a UI button that adds empty remediation commits and no one said "empty commit = bad". To me this suggests that the recommendation above does not reflect commonly accepted wisdom.

I think the concern about rebase discarding remediation commits might be moot because remediation commits contain the commit id of the specific commit they are retroactively adding a sign-off to. If the branch is rebased, the remediation commits (even if preserved) will now contain incorrect commit id.

What am I missing?

@brianwarner @gr2m